Biden now polling at 18% - libtards, look at this shit show

Sep 21, 2004
[ Get this FUCKING CLOWN out of Washington!!!!! ]

Survey: Only 18% of Americans Want Joe Biden to Run Again​

14 Jul 2022

One in five Americans want President Joe Biden to run for reelection while the vast majority say it is time for Biden to call it quits, a Yahoo News/YouGov survey released Thursday found.
While he is not even halfway into his presidency, Biden is struggling to find mass support for reelection come 2024. According to the survey, just 18 percent, overall, believe Biden should run again.

Yahoo! describes the figure as “the lowest number to date.” Further, it reflects a seven point drop from the number who said he should run in May.
Perhaps what is more, just 35 percent of Democrats — an eight point drop since May — believe Biden should run for reelection. Only nine percent of Republicans and 12 percent of independents say Biden should run again.

Overall, the vast majority of U.S. adults, 64 percent, said he should not run again:
Meanwhile, when asked “who they would rather see as the Democratic nominee for president in 2024,” only about a quarter (27%) of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents now say Biden. Fewer say Vice President Kamala Harris (19%); most say either “someone else” (20%), they’re “not sure” (30%) or that they “wouldn’t vote” (4%).
The survey was taken July 8-11, 2022, among 1,672 U.S. adults and coincides with yet another dismal economic report, which Biden and Democrats quickly attempted to spin. Consumer prices rose to an annual rate of 9.1 percent in June, surpassing the prediction of experts:
Compared with a month earlier, the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Price Index was up 1.3 percent.
Economists had expected CPI to rise at an annual rate of 8.8 percent, up from 8.6 percent in May. They expected a month-over-month increase of 1.1 percent.Inflation has American families hard by raising prices for everyday necessities like food, gasoline, housing, transportation, and utilities. Huge increases in the price of gasoline in June, which hit new all-time highs several times during the month, started to sap household and business spending on other items.
While Biden described the figure “unacceptably high,” he claimed it was “out-of-date.”
“Energy alone comprised nearly half of the monthly increase in inflation. Today’s data does not reflect the full impact of nearly 30 days of decreases in gas prices, that have reduced the price at the pump by about 40 cents since mid-June,” Biden said in a statement, claiming that those savings alone are “providing important breathing room for American families.”
According to the report, gas prices are up 59.9 percent, and the overall energy index rose 41.6 percent over the last year.
Sep 21, 2004
Dumb fucks like Vit-tard, JismKing and DuhFelch are still backing this fucking retard.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011

Sep 22, 2007
Festering Sack of Shit, Stevie the Nazi, and Roll Turds (and gobble 'em down), dream on, Lying Right Wing Scum:


The recent primary results in deep, deep red Kansas-where women came out in droves, and, in effect, gave a big "FU" to SCOTUS, and, by extension, were a sign of things to come. And when the hearings resume next month, not that long before the election, you fucking morons are gonna be in for yet ANTOHER rude awakening-YOU know, the way all of you had CUM on your shin after 2020, ROTFLMAO!!!!!

Yahoo News

New polls show Democrats could 'win' the 2022 midterms. Should you believe them?​

Andrew Romano
Andrew Romano
·West Coast Correspondent
Sat, August 20, 2022, 3:00 AM

After months of missteps, mishaps and misfortune, President Biden and his fellow Democrats are finally enjoying a run of good news.
Landmark climate legislation. A popular plan to lower prescription drug prices. Falling gas prices. Mounting legal problems for Biden’s would-be 2024 opponent, Donald Trump. And new polls that show Democratic candidates gaining ground in key races across the country.
But will it be enough to prevent the sort of electoral bloodbath that a president’s party usually suffers in the midterms? Could Democrats actually “win” in 2022?
According to the latest data, the answer is ... possibly. And those are better odds than Biden & Co. had any reason to expect even a few weeks ago.
For decades now, the pattern has been clear. There have been 19 midterms since World War II. In 16 of them, the president’s party lost five or more seats in the House — the number that Republicans need to net this year to take control. Historically speaking, that means Democrats have an 84% chance of losing the House in November. Americans almost always vote against the president in midterm elections.
Factor in Biden’s anemic approval rating (the worst of any modern president at this stage of his first term) and astronomical inflation numbers (the highest since the early 1980s), and it looks like a recipe for Democratic disaster.
And yet the polls are starting to show otherwise.
Over the last month, Biden’s average disapproval rating has fallen more than two points, according to polling aggregator FiveThirtyEight; his average approval rating has risen nearly three points.
That’s not earth-shattering — the president’s net approval rating is still negative by more than 16 points — but it’s also not nothing. Any movement toward Biden — from Democrats who no longer dismiss him as ineffectual, or from independents encouraged by improving economic indicators — is notable.
Likewise, there are signs that presidential popularity — which tends to suffer because of ever-increasing partisanship and polarization — may no longer be the predictor of midterm performance it once was.
Take the crucial “generic ballot” question, which asks voters which party they would prefer to control Congress. Since November 2021, Democrats have trailed Republicans on the generic ballot. But they’ve only trailed by 1 or 2 points, on average — not 16.
And even that dynamic appears to be changing. Amid a spate of fresh surveys that put Democrats ahead of Republicans — by 3 points, according to Monmouth University; by 4 points, according to Morning Consult; by 6 points, according to YouGov — the president’s party just took the lead in FiveThirtyEight’s generic-ballot average for the first time in nearly a year.
Several caveats apply here. The midterms are still more than two months away. Most voters don’t really tune in until after Labor Day. And the pro-Republican impact of gerrymandering — redrawing congressional districts to favor one party over the other — means that Democrats typically have to win the national popular vote by at least a few percentage points just to avoid losing seats in the House.
To reach that threshold, Democrats still have a long way to go; they currently lead Republicans by half a point, on average. Generic-ballot polls usually underestimate GOP support as well. So unless the gap widens significantly, Republicans still stand a good chance — a 77% chance, according to the FiveThirtyEight forecasting model — of flipping the closely divided House.
Still, GOP odds have fallen by 10 points over the last month. Time will tell if they keep falling.
Meanwhile, the Senate side of things is trending toward Democrats, too — only much more dramatically. Why? Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has some thoughts.
“I think there’s probably a greater likelihood the House flips than the Senate. Senate races are just different — they’re statewide, candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome,” McConnell said Thursday in Florence, Ky. “Right now, we have a 50-50 Senate and a 50-50 country, but I think when all is said and done this fall, we’re likely to have an extremely close Senate, either our side up slightly or their side up slightly.”
McConnell is right that Senate races are “just different.” He’s also right that “candidate quality” is a problem for the GOP right now. To regain control, Republicans only need to net a single Senate seat. And yet in key race after key race, their nominees — all of whom were endorsed by Trump — seem to be underperforming:
None of which means Republicans will lose these races. Johnson in particular has seemed imperiled in the past, only to perform better on Election Day than late-summer polls — including Marquette’s — suggested he would. In recent cycles, pollsters have also had some problems getting enough Republicans — especially working-class Republicans in Rust Belt states — to respond to their surveys, which can make the GOP look weaker (and the Democrats stronger) than they really are.
Yet for now, at least, Republicans’ path to a Senate majority looks much narrower than it should be, given the national environment. In fact, as most key primaries have ended and this year’s general election matchups have been finalized in recent weeks, FiveThirtyEight’s Senate forecasting model has flipped from slightly favoring the GOP to favoring Democrats by a sizable margin: 63% to 37%.
According to the Cook Political Report, Democrats are currently favored to win back governorships in Maryland and Massachusetts as well (and to retain the office in hard-fought states such as Michigan and Pennsylvania).
Again, two months is an eternity in U.S. politics. Anything could happen. But ultimately 2022 may wind up being a contest between the usual forces that tend to decide midterm elections — things like inflation and presidential job approval, which clearly benefit Republicans — and some of the more unusual forces that appear to be keeping Democrats afloat.
Chief among the latter may be the end of Roe v. Wade. Last month, voters in deep-red Kansas flocked to the polls in record numbers to keep abortion legal there, and pro-choice Democratic candidates have overperformed in recent House special elections in Nebraska and Minnesota.
According to the latest Fox News poll, 55% of Americans disapprove of the Supreme Court’s job performance and 60% disapprove of the decision to overturn Roe. Among women, the same survey showed a 7-point shift toward Democrats on the generic-ballot question since the court’s ruling. From the day the Supreme Court overturned Roe to the day of the Kansas special election, new women registering to vote in the Sunflower State outnumbered new male registrations by 40%, according to Tom Bonier, CEO of data firm TargetSmart, who has found the same sort of “registration gap” in Wisconsin (17%), Pennsylvania (12%), Ohio (11%), North Carolina (7%), Georgia (6%) and Florida (5%).
The theory here is straightforward. Typically, the party that doesn’t control the presidency tends to pick up seats in the midterms because their supporters are really motivated to vote against the president — and the president’s supporters aren’t particularly motivated to vote for more of the same. But abortion may be leveling the playing field because it gives Democrats a reason to turn out as well: to stop a long-established right from being taken away.
“Many [Democrats] feel as though their basic rights are being threatened, something a party’s voters ordinarily aren’t concerned about when it controls both the presidency and Congress,” FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver recently explained. “The ‘enthusiasm gap’ often accounts for much of the presidential party’s disadvantage at the midterms, but it’s not clear it exists this year after Roe was overturned.”
Then there’s Trump to consider. Former presidents usually recede into ceremonial irrelevance. But Trump is teasing a comeback run in 2024 while catapulting candidates onto the 2022 ballot who have vowed to change election laws in his favor.
According to the latest Yahoo News/YouGov poll, that’s become another motivating factor for Democrats who might otherwise skip the midterms. A full 72% of them say another Trump term would be “the worst thing that could happen” to America, and far more say that “democracy” is the most important issue “when thinking about this year’s election” than anything else.
Since World War II, the president’s party has only lost fewer than five seats in the House once, in 1962. They’ve only gained seats twice, in 1998 and 2002. In each case, there were extenuating circumstances — some atypical event that boosted the party in power. In 1962, it was the resolution of the Cuban missile crisis. In 1998, it was the first impeachment of a president in 130 years — a move many viewed as partisan overreach. In 2002, it was the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Could 2022 be another anomalous year? If things continue to break for Biden and the Democrats — if prices continue to stabilize; if Republican candidates continue to stumble; if abortion and Trump continue to remain front and center — then it’s certainly conceivable.
But those are some very big ifs.

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Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Festering Sack of Shit, Stevie the Nazi, and Roll Turds (and gobble 'em down), dream on, Lying Right Wing Scum:


The recent primary results in deep, deep red Kansas-where women came out in droves, and, in effect, gave a big "FU" to SCOTUS, and, by extension, were a sign of things to come. And when the hearings resume next month, not that long before the election, you fucking morons are gonna be in for yet ANTOHER rude awakening-YOU know, the way all of you had CUM on your shin after 2020, ROTFLMAO!!!!!

Yahoo News

New polls show Democrats could 'win' the 2022 midterms. Should you believe them?​

Andrew Romano
Andrew Romano
·West Coast Correspondent
Sat, August 20, 2022, 3:00 AM

After months of missteps, mishaps and misfortune, President Biden and his fellow Democrats are finally enjoying a run of good news.
Landmark climate legislation. A popular plan to lower prescription drug prices. Falling gas prices. Mounting legal problems for Biden’s would-be 2024 opponent, Donald Trump. And new polls that show Democratic candidates gaining ground in key races across the country.
But will it be enough to prevent the sort of electoral bloodbath that a president’s party usually suffers in the midterms? Could Democrats actually “win” in 2022?
According to the latest data, the answer is ... possibly. And those are better odds than Biden & Co. had any reason to expect even a few weeks ago.
For decades now, the pattern has been clear. There have been 19 midterms since World War II. In 16 of them, the president’s party lost five or more seats in the House — the number that Republicans need to net this year to take control. Historically speaking, that means Democrats have an 84% chance of losing the House in November. Americans almost always vote against the president in midterm elections.
Factor in Biden’s anemic approval rating (the worst of any modern president at this stage of his first term) and astronomical inflation numbers (the highest since the early 1980s), and it looks like a recipe for Democratic disaster.
And yet the polls are starting to show otherwise.
Over the last month, Biden’s average disapproval rating has fallen more than two points, according to polling aggregator FiveThirtyEight; his average approval rating has risen nearly three points.
That’s not earth-shattering — the president’s net approval rating is still negative by more than 16 points — but it’s also not nothing. Any movement toward Biden — from Democrats who no longer dismiss him as ineffectual, or from independents encouraged by improving economic indicators — is notable.
Likewise, there are signs that presidential popularity — which tends to suffer because of ever-increasing partisanship and polarization — may no longer be the predictor of midterm performance it once was.
Take the crucial “generic ballot” question, which asks voters which party they would prefer to control Congress. Since November 2021, Democrats have trailed Republicans on the generic ballot. But they’ve only trailed by 1 or 2 points, on average — not 16.
And even that dynamic appears to be changing. Amid a spate of fresh surveys that put Democrats ahead of Republicans — by 3 points, according to Monmouth University; by 4 points, according to Morning Consult; by 6 points, according to YouGov — the president’s party just took the lead in FiveThirtyEight’s generic-ballot average for the first time in nearly a year.
Several caveats apply here. The midterms are still more than two months away. Most voters don’t really tune in until after Labor Day. And the pro-Republican impact of gerrymandering — redrawing congressional districts to favor one party over the other — means that Democrats typically have to win the national popular vote by at least a few percentage points just to avoid losing seats in the House.
To reach that threshold, Democrats still have a long way to go; they currently lead Republicans by half a point, on average. Generic-ballot polls usually underestimate GOP support as well. So unless the gap widens significantly, Republicans still stand a good chance — a 77% chance, according to the FiveThirtyEight forecasting model — of flipping the closely divided House.
Still, GOP odds have fallen by 10 points over the last month. Time will tell if they keep falling.
Meanwhile, the Senate side of things is trending toward Democrats, too — only much more dramatically. Why? Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has some thoughts.
“I think there’s probably a greater likelihood the House flips than the Senate. Senate races are just different — they’re statewide, candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome,” McConnell said Thursday in Florence, Ky. “Right now, we have a 50-50 Senate and a 50-50 country, but I think when all is said and done this fall, we’re likely to have an extremely close Senate, either our side up slightly or their side up slightly.”
McConnell is right that Senate races are “just different.” He’s also right that “candidate quality” is a problem for the GOP right now. To regain control, Republicans only need to net a single Senate seat. And yet in key race after key race, their nominees — all of whom were endorsed by Trump — seem to be underperforming:
None of which means Republicans will lose these races. Johnson in particular has seemed imperiled in the past, only to perform better on Election Day than late-summer polls — including Marquette’s — suggested he would. In recent cycles, pollsters have also had some problems getting enough Republicans — especially working-class Republicans in Rust Belt states — to respond to their surveys, which can make the GOP look weaker (and the Democrats stronger) than they really are.
Yet for now, at least, Republicans’ path to a Senate majority looks much narrower than it should be, given the national environment. In fact, as most key primaries have ended and this year’s general election matchups have been finalized in recent weeks, FiveThirtyEight’s Senate forecasting model has flipped from slightly favoring the GOP to favoring Democrats by a sizable margin: 63% to 37%.
According to the Cook Political Report, Democrats are currently favored to win back governorships in Maryland and Massachusetts as well (and to retain the office in hard-fought states such as Michigan and Pennsylvania).
Again, two months is an eternity in U.S. politics. Anything could happen. But ultimately 2022 may wind up being a contest between the usual forces that tend to decide midterm elections — things like inflation and presidential job approval, which clearly benefit Republicans — and some of the more unusual forces that appear to be keeping Democrats afloat.
Chief among the latter may be the end of Roe v. Wade. Last month, voters in deep-red Kansas flocked to the polls in record numbers to keep abortion legal there, and pro-choice Democratic candidates have overperformed in recent House special elections in Nebraska and Minnesota.
According to the latest Fox News poll, 55% of Americans disapprove of the Supreme Court’s job performance and 60% disapprove of the decision to overturn Roe. Among women, the same survey showed a 7-point shift toward Democrats on the generic-ballot question since the court’s ruling. From the day the Supreme Court overturned Roe to the day of the Kansas special election, new women registering to vote in the Sunflower State outnumbered new male registrations by 40%, according to Tom Bonier, CEO of data firm TargetSmart, who has found the same sort of “registration gap” in Wisconsin (17%), Pennsylvania (12%), Ohio (11%), North Carolina (7%), Georgia (6%) and Florida (5%).
The theory here is straightforward. Typically, the party that doesn’t control the presidency tends to pick up seats in the midterms because their supporters are really motivated to vote against the president — and the president’s supporters aren’t particularly motivated to vote for more of the same. But abortion may be leveling the playing field because it gives Democrats a reason to turn out as well: to stop a long-established right from being taken away.
“Many [Democrats] feel as though their basic rights are being threatened, something a party’s voters ordinarily aren’t concerned about when it controls both the presidency and Congress,” FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver recently explained. “The ‘enthusiasm gap’ often accounts for much of the presidential party’s disadvantage at the midterms, but it’s not clear it exists this year after Roe was overturned.”
Then there’s Trump to consider. Former presidents usually recede into ceremonial irrelevance. But Trump is teasing a comeback run in 2024 while catapulting candidates onto the 2022 ballot who have vowed to change election laws in his favor.
According to the latest Yahoo News/YouGov poll, that’s become another motivating factor for Democrats who might otherwise skip the midterms. A full 72% of them say another Trump term would be “the worst thing that could happen” to America, and far more say that “democracy” is the most important issue “when thinking about this year’s election” than anything else.
Since World War II, the president’s party has only lost fewer than five seats in the House once, in 1962. They’ve only gained seats twice, in 1998 and 2002. In each case, there were extenuating circumstances — some atypical event that boosted the party in power. In 1962, it was the resolution of the Cuban missile crisis. In 1998, it was the first impeachment of a president in 130 years — a move many viewed as partisan overreach. In 2002, it was the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Could 2022 be another anomalous year? If things continue to break for Biden and the Democrats — if prices continue to stabilize; if Republican candidates continue to stumble; if abortion and Trump continue to remain front and center — then it’s certainly conceivable.
But those are some very big ifs.

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fake news SHINE boy.

Sep 22, 2007
fake news SHINE boy.

Newly unsealed documents from the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago put Trump in even worse legal peril, experts say​

Tom Porter
Fri, August 19, 2022 at 8:41 AM

Trump supporters waved flags outside a legal hearing in West Palm Beach, Florida, on August 18, 2022, which considered the unsealing of documents from the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago.CHANDAN KHANNA/AFP via Getty Images
  • New legal documents were unsealed Thursday by a federal judge in the wake of the Mar-a-Lago raid.
  • They show new details about the possible crimes the FBI was investigating with the search.
  • They hinted at ways of prosecuting Trump that do not rest on whether documents he kept are classified.
Former President Donald Trump has offered a shifting array of defenses in response to the August 8 FBI search of his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, which uncovered a trove of secret documents.
Among them is the claim that he declassified all of the documents while in office under the president's sweeping powers over national secrets.
But procedural documents unsealed Thursday by federal judge Bruce Reinhart, including the cover sheet of the warrant used in the search, revealed that this defense may not be as effective as Trump hoped, legal experts say.
One implication of the new information is that even if Trump is right about the documents being declassified, he still could have broken the law, Lawrence Tribe, a Harvard constitutional law scholar, tweeted.

Prior to Thursday, the only information about the laws agents believed Trump may have broken came from the warrant itself, which was unsealed last Friday.
It listed broad federal statutes Trump may have violated, including the Espionage Act. More specific information was found in Thursday's documents.
They showed that the FBI believes that Trump may be guilty of the willful retention of national defense information, concealment or removal of government records, and obstruction of federal investigation.
Bradley P. Moss, a national security attorney, told Insider that the new documents "clarify but ultimately do not change much" of what we previously knew.
A striking detail, he said, is that the FBI believes Trump has obstructed its probe.
"Clearly, the FBI currently believes Mr. Trump not only took properly marked classified documents to Mar-a-Lago, but he kept them and resisted turning them over when confronted by the government," Moss said.
The FBI could theoretically use a charge of obstruction to pursue Trump, he said, even if the information does turn out to have been declassified.
Moss did suggest, though, that it is unlikely that prosecutors would choose to make that case, even if they technically could.
"I have no reason to suspect the government would pursue a charge if they concluded there was sufficient evidence the records were in fact declassified, as Trump keeps claiming," he said. "Even if the Espionage Act charge falls through, the government could pursue an obstruction charge.
"It is unlikely, but not out of the realm of possibility, they would do so on its own. After all, our jails are filled with people who were caught up in charges lesser than the original aim of what law enforcement was investigating."
The affidavit underpinning the warrant would likely detail the grounds the FBI used in pursuing the warrant.
Reinhart said Thursday that he is leaning toward releasing the affidavit in a redacted form, because it contains sensitive information relating to the ongoing investigation. This could come as soon as August 25, the date of the next hearing.
Insider contacted Trump's office for comment.
His attorney, Alina Habba, in an interview on Newsmax, pushed back on the charges described in the sheet, saying Trump had cooperated with investigators and again said that he declassified the information.
Several figures from the Trump administration have described that claim as implausible or even "a lie."
Read the original article on Business Insider

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005

Newly unsealed documents from the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago put Trump in even worse legal peril, experts say​

Tom Porter
Fri, August 19, 2022 at 8:41 AM

Trump supporters waved flags outside a legal hearing in West Palm Beach, Florida, on August 18, 2022, which considered the unsealing of documents from the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago.CHANDAN KHANNA/AFP via Getty Images
  • New legal documents were unsealed Thursday by a federal judge in the wake of the Mar-a-Lago raid.
  • They show new details about the possible crimes the FBI was investigating with the search.
  • They hinted at ways of prosecuting Trump that do not rest on whether documents he kept are classified.
Former President Donald Trump has offered a shifting array of defenses in response to the August 8 FBI search of his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, which uncovered a trove of secret documents.
Among them is the claim that he declassified all of the documents while in office under the president's sweeping powers over national secrets.
But procedural documents unsealed Thursday by federal judge Bruce Reinhart, including the cover sheet of the warrant used in the search, revealed that this defense may not be as effective as Trump hoped, legal experts say.
One implication of the new information is that even if Trump is right about the documents being declassified, he still could have broken the law, Lawrence Tribe, a Harvard constitutional law scholar, tweeted.

Prior to Thursday, the only information about the laws agents believed Trump may have broken came from the warrant itself, which was unsealed last Friday.
It listed broad federal statutes Trump may have violated, including the Espionage Act. More specific information was found in Thursday's documents.
They showed that the FBI believes that Trump may be guilty of the willful retention of national defense information, concealment or removal of government records, and obstruction of federal investigation.
Bradley P. Moss, a national security attorney, told Insider that the new documents "clarify but ultimately do not change much" of what we previously knew.
A striking detail, he said, is that the FBI believes Trump has obstructed its probe.
"Clearly, the FBI currently believes Mr. Trump not only took properly marked classified documents to Mar-a-Lago, but he kept them and resisted turning them over when confronted by the government," Moss said.
The FBI could theoretically use a charge of obstruction to pursue Trump, he said, even if the information does turn out to have been declassified.
Moss did suggest, though, that it is unlikely that prosecutors would choose to make that case, even if they technically could.
"I have no reason to suspect the government would pursue a charge if they concluded there was sufficient evidence the records were in fact declassified, as Trump keeps claiming," he said. "Even if the Espionage Act charge falls through, the government could pursue an obstruction charge.
"It is unlikely, but not out of the realm of possibility, they would do so on its own. After all, our jails are filled with people who were caught up in charges lesser than the original aim of what law enforcement was investigating."
The affidavit underpinning the warrant would likely detail the grounds the FBI used in pursuing the warrant.
Reinhart said Thursday that he is leaning toward releasing the affidavit in a redacted form, because it contains sensitive information relating to the ongoing investigation. This could come as soon as August 25, the date of the next hearing.
Insider contacted Trump's office for comment.
His attorney, Alina Habba, in an interview on Newsmax, pushed back on the charges described in the sheet, saying Trump had cooperated with investigators and again said that he declassified the information.
Several figures from the Trump administration have described that claim as implausible or even "a lie."
Read the original article on Business Insider
fake news dummy

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Nov 23, 2011
White House ridiculed after walking back Biden’s statement that pandemic is over: ‘He is not in charge’

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Sep 9, 2005

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