That's right. By pulling their advertising from MW they have made a serious and LOUD statement. They have stated that they will not
tolerate Russ' tactics and will not allow their sportsbook to be associated with a site whose owner has less credibility than the National Inquirer. Great Job BHB! All readers have got to be impressed with the precedent that you have just set. Now that you are no longer with MW, your credibility as a sportsbook has gone up HUGE with me! The time has come when legitimate sportsbooks have to ask themselves,"Do we really want to be associated with people like MW?" BHB has made their statement. Others with intelligent corporate heads will surely follow suit.
tolerate Russ' tactics and will not allow their sportsbook to be associated with a site whose owner has less credibility than the National Inquirer. Great Job BHB! All readers have got to be impressed with the precedent that you have just set. Now that you are no longer with MW, your credibility as a sportsbook has gone up HUGE with me! The time has come when legitimate sportsbooks have to ask themselves,"Do we really want to be associated with people like MW?" BHB has made their statement. Others with intelligent corporate heads will surely follow suit.