results after august 7th....round 2, day 5...
cmon guys, this looks bad...all of us that advanced had (+) units for the whole first month, now in the second month, none of us do....we gotta pick it up a little...
1) BZ_____________7-7_____-0.14 UNITS
2) JCW412_________6-9_____-1.91 UNITS
3) #1CHEATER______6-9_____-2.31 UNITS
4) SSI____________6-8_____-2.65 UNITS
5) JOEYBAGDONUTS__5-10_____-3.64 UNITS
6) RAMFAN_________6-8_____-3.69 UNITS
7) BUCSFAN67______6-9_____-4.10 UNITS
8) SLUGGO_________4-11____-4.96 UNITS
9) JWUNDERDOG_____4-11_____-6.70 UNITS
10)XEORG__________4-11_____-7.68 UNITS
[This message was edited by bucsfan67 on August 09, 2003 at 12:37 AM.]