Regardless of where you’ve gotten your email addresses, you continue to send spam to people who have not requested it concerning your tout business, a number of whom are posters at the Rx. I continue to respectfully request that you immediately quit spamming EVERYONE on any list that you may have purchased. I delete your spam immediately without reading it, and I am sick and tired of receiving ALL spam on the Net. It’s bad enough getting it from absolute strangers, but it’s far worse getting it from a poster at the Rx. And it matters not that you say you bought the list from a 3rd party – so what? It’s just the same as if you yourself harvested them.
Do you personally enjoy receiving spam yourself, from porn sites, frauds and assholes? No?
Then please stop. Thank you.
p.s. This is post #0001 requesting that you stop. Counter will be updated every time this identical request is made and no positive response or attempt at one is made. This is much fairer than spamming a lot of people I don’t know, I’m only asking politely of one poster that he stop doing it to a lot of other people. I’ve also activated the feauture at the Rx to be notified each time you post anything.