BetPhoenix's NBA/NHL Capper Standings thru 2/18



He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
Rules   Roster   Scores
[size=+1]BetPhoenix's NBA/NHL Combo Capper Challenge[/size]
[size=+1]Overall YTD Records[/size]
[size=+1]Minimum 30 Plays by March 1[/size]
Bottom half of field is eliminated each week
[font=Franklin Gothic Book][b][size=2][color=blue][u]Rank[/u]	[u]Poster[/u]        	[u]W[/u]	[u]L[/u]	[u]P[/u]	[u]Total[/u][/color][/size]	[size=2][color=blue][u]NBA 18[/u][/color][/size]	[size=2][color=blue][u]NHL 18[/u][/color][/size]
1	soli           	10	4	0	675	300	200
2	dlw902         	10	4	0	537	300	300
3	Brock          	9	3	0	524	99	300
4	crzbrave       	11	7	0	475	300	105
5	Jambruins      	5	1	0	400	300	100
6	trytrytry      	6	2	0	382	92	-10
7	Bushay         	4	1	0	305	300	5
8	prime21        	7	5	0	280	92	-100
9	THE POSTMAN!   	9	6	0	234	-216	305
10	ensign_lee     	6	5	0	180	-113	-200
11	PO69           	6	4	0	159	92	100
12	bill2266       	3	1	0	155	200	-45
13	MarksMoneymakrs	8	7	0	132	-108	335
14	Doug           	9	9	0	115	300	-65
15	clarkd32       	1	0	0	100	0	0
16	anjac          	4	3	0	47	97	55
17	bdgear         	0	0	0	0	0	0
17	blkjk          	0	0	0	0	0	0
17	buzzerbeater9  	0	0	0	0	0	0
17	dlew2k         	0	0	0	0	0	0
17	dr.chau        	0	0	0	0	0	0
17	gtc08          	0	0	0	0	0	0
17	Pigpen         	0	0	0	0	0	0
24	Santo          	2	2	0	-5	-105	100
25	Puckhandler    	6	7	0	-10	-315	-100
26	bucsfan67      	3	3	0	-15	-320	305
27	youngman       	6	6	0	-54	102	-65
27	Miklos         	4	4	0	-54	-114	85
29	JOH™           	7	8	0	-94	-103	-115
30	au_Gambler     	3	5	0	-227	-118	0
31	Akillies       	1	3	0	-244	0	0
32	Magica         	0	2	0	-272	0	0
33	Snookslayer    	5	7	0	-304	-116	55
34	turksure       	0	3	0	-307	0	0
35	smitch124      	0	3	0	-310	0	0
36	CondorHero     	5	8	0	-343	-200	235
37	douglas        	6	9	0	-376	-127	-100
38	wiskers1       	3	10	0	-747	-108	5
39	Wrigley        	4	13	0	-848	-326	-95
Rules   Roster
[size=+1]BetPhoenix's NBA/NHL Combo Capper Challenge[/size]
[size=+1]NBA Standings[/size]
[size=+1]Minimum 15 Plays by March 1[/size]
For Informational Purposes Only
[font=Franklin Gothic Book][b][size=2][color=blue][u]Rank[/u]	[u]Poster[/u]        	[u]W[/u]	[u]L[/u]	[u]P[/u]	[u]NBA[/u][/color][/size]	[size=2][color=blue][u]NBA 18[/u][/color][/size]	[size=2][color=blue][u]PlaysRd1[/u][/color][/size]
1	dlw902         	6	2	0	399	300	8
1	Brock          	5	1	0	399	99	6
3	Jambruins      	3	0	0	300	300	3
3	Bushay         	3	0	0	300	300	3
5	trytrytry      	4	1	0	292	92	5
6	bill2266       	2	0	0	200	200	2
7	soli           	4	2	0	193	300	6
8	prime21        	4	2	0	192	92	6
9	clarkd32       	1	0	0	100	0	1
10	anjac          	2	1	0	97	97	3
11	PO69           	3	2	0	89	92	5
12	Doug           	5	4	0	77	300	9
13	ensign_lee     	3	3	0	65	-113	6
14	bdgear         	0	0	0	0	0	0
14	blkjk          	0	0	0	0	0	0
14	buzzerbeater9  	0	0	0	0	0	0
14	dlew2k         	0	0	0	0	0	0
14	dr.chau        	0	0	0	0	0	0
14	gtc08          	0	0	0	0	0	0
14	Pigpen         	0	0	0	0	0	0
14	Magica         	0	0	0	0	0	0
22	Akillies       	1	1	0	-4	0	2
23	Puckhandler    	3	3	0	-15	-315	6
24	youngman       	3	3	0	-89	102	6
25	Santo          	1	2	0	-105	-105	3
26	crzbrave       	4	5	0	-133	300	9
27	JOH™           	2	4	0	-204	-103	6
28	smitch124      	0	2	0	-210	0	2
29	MarksMoneymakrs	2	4	0	-213	-108	6
30	Miklos         	0	2	0	-219	-114	2
31	THE POSTMAN!   	2	4	0	-221	-216	6
32	au_Gambler     	2	4	0	-227	-118	6
33	douglas        	2	4	0	-241	-127	6
34	turksure       	0	3	0	-307	0	3
34	CondorHero     	1	4	0	-307	-200	5
36	bucsfan67      	0	3	0	-320	-320	3
37	Snookslayer    	1	5	0	-419	-116	6
38	wiskers1       	2	7	0	-538	-108	9
39	Wrigley        	2	7	0	-541	-326	9
Rules   Roster
[size=+1]BetPhoenix's NBA/NHL Combo Capper Challenge[/size]
[size=+1]NHL Standings[/size]
[size=+1]Minimum 15 Plays by March 1[/size]
For Informational Purposes Only
[font=Franklin Gothic Book][b][size=2][color=blue][u]Rank[/u]	[u]Poster[/u]        	[u]W[/u]	[u]L[/u]	[u]P[/u]	[u]NHL[/u][/color][/size]	[size=2][color=blue][u]NHL 18[/u][/color][/size]	[size=2][color=blue][u]PlaysRd1[/u][/color][/size]
1	crzbrave       	7	2	0	608	105	9
2	soli           	6	2	0	482	200	8
3	THE POSTMAN!   	7	2	0	455	305	9
4	MarksMoneymakrs	6	3	0	345	335	9
5	bucsfan67      	3	0	0	305	305	3
6	Miklos         	4	2	0	165	85	6
7	dlw902         	4	2	0	138	300	6
8	Brock          	4	2	0	125	300	6
9	ensign_lee     	3	2	0	115	-200	5
9	Snookslayer    	4	2	0	115	55	6
11	JOH™           	5	4	0	110	-115	9
12	Jambruins      	2	1	0	100	100	3
12	Santo          	1	0	0	100	100	1
14	trytrytry      	2	1	0	90	-10	3
15	prime21        	3	3	0	88	-100	6
16	PO69           	3	2	0	70	100	5
17	Doug           	4	5	0	38	-65	9
18	youngman       	3	3	0	35	-65	6
19	Bushay         	1	1	0	5	5	2
19	Puckhandler    	3	4	0	5	-100	7
21	clarkd32       	0	0	0	0	0	0
21	bdgear         	0	0	0	0	0	0
21	blkjk          	0	0	0	0	0	0
21	buzzerbeater9  	0	0	0	0	0	0
21	dlew2k         	0	0	0	0	0	0
21	dr.chau        	0	0	0	0	0	0
21	gtc08          	0	0	0	0	0	0
21	Pigpen         	0	0	0	0	0	0
21	au_Gambler     	1	1	0	0	0	2
21	turksure       	0	0	0	0	0	0
31	CondorHero     	4	4	0	-36	235	8
32	bill2266       	1	1	0	-45	-45	2
33	anjac          	2	2	0	-50	55	4
34	smitch124      	0	1	0	-100	0	1
35	douglas        	4	5	0	-135	-100	9
36	wiskers1       	1	3	0	-209	5	4
37	Akillies       	0	2	0	-240	0	2
38	Magica         	0	2	0	-272	0	2
39	Wrigley        	2	6	0	-307	-95	8
Rules   Roster
[size=+1]BetPhoenix's NBA/NHL Combo Capper Challenge[/size]
[size=+1]Round 1[/size]
[size=+1]Yesterday's NBA Breakdown[/size]​
[font=Franklin Gothic Book][b][size=2][color=blue][u]Poster[/u][/color][/size]         	[size=2][color=blue][u]NBA 18[/u][/color][/size]	[size=2][i][color=red][u]Post[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=2][i][color=green][u]NBA1[/u]	[u]NBA2[/u]	[u]NBA3[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=2][i][color=brown][u]NBA1[/u]	[u]NBA2[/u]	[u]NBA3[/u][/color][/i][/size]
Akillies       	0							
anjac          	97	17	100	-103	100	01m	03s	21m
au_Gambler     	-118	11	100	-105	-113	02u	09s	12s
bdgear         	0							
bill2266       	200	24	100	100		17m	21m	
blkjk          	0							
Brock          	99	21	-101	100	100	02s	18s	19s
bucsfan67      	-320	25	-108	-110	-102	06s	10u	14u
Bushay         	300	26	100	100	100	18s	19s	21s
buzzerbeater9  	0							
clarkd32       	0							
CondorHero     	-200	8	-100	-100		08m	20m	
crzbrave       	300	9	100	100	100	04s	19s	21s
dlew2k         	0							
dlw902         	300	2	100	100	100	01m	21m	14m
Doug           	300	28	100	100	100	19o	21s	21m
douglas        	-127	5	100	-113	-114	04s	12s	08s
dr.chau        	0							
ensign_lee     	-113	18	-113	100	-100	12s	17m	20m
gtc08          	0							
Jambruins      	300	10	100	100	100	19s	14s	01s
JOH™           	-103	15	-100	-103	100	16s	17s	21s
Magica         	0							
MarksMoneymakrs	-108	27	-100	-108	100	16s	20s	21o
Miklos         	-114	7	-114			08s		
Pigpen         	0							
PO69           	92	22	100	-108	100	05s	08u	18u
prime21        	92	12	100	100	-108	01m	07o	06s
Puckhandler    	-315	14	-101	-114	-100	02s	08s	22s
Santo          	-105	3	-100	-105	100	12m	13s	18u
smitch124      	0							
Snookslayer    	-116	4	-114	-105	103	08s	09s	11s
soli           	300	23	100	100	100	05s	21s	19o
THE POSTMAN!   	-216	16	-108	-108		06s	06u	
trytrytry      	92	6	-108	100	100	08u	12u	18u
turksure       	0							
wiskers1       	-108	19	-100	-108	100	08m	08u	17m
Wrigley        	-326	13	-108	-105	-113	06s	09s	12s
youngman       	102	20	-101	100	103	02s	10s	11s
Rules   Roster
[size=+1]BetPhoenix's NBA/NHL Combo Capper Challenge[/size]
[size=+1]Round 1[/size]
[size=+1]Yesterday's NHL Breakdown[/size]​
[font=Franklin Gothic Book][b][size=2][color=blue][u]Poster[/u][/color][/size]         	[size=2][color=blue][u]NHL 18[/u][/color][/size]	[size=2][i][color=red][u]Post[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=2][i][color=blue][u]NHL1[/u]	[u]NHL2[/u]	[u]NHL3[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=2][i][color=brown][u]NHL1[/u]	[u]NHL2[/u]	[u]NHL3[/u][/color][/i][/size]
Akillies       	0							
anjac          	55	18	100	100	-145	56m	58m	60m
au_Gambler     	0							
bdgear         	0							
bill2266       	-45	24	100	-145		56m	60m	
blkjk          	0							
Brock          	300	23	100	100	100	52m	56m	58m
bucsfan67      	305	27	100	105	100	56m	56p	57o
Bushay         	5	26	105	-100		56p	58p	
buzzerbeater9  	0							
clarkd32       	0							
CondorHero     	235	2	100	135		54m	59m	
crzbrave       	105	20	-100	105	100	53m	56p	56m
dlew2k         	0							
dlw902         	300	6	100	100	100	58m	54m	55o
Doug           	-65	12	-100	-100	135	51m	55m	59m
douglas        	-100	4	-100	100	-100	53m	55o	58p
dr.chau        	0							
ensign_lee     	-200	19	-100	-100		51m	56u	
gtc08          	0							
Jambruins      	100	11	100	100	-100	52u	54m	58p
JOH™           	-115	17	100	-115	-100	52m	54u	58u
Magica         	0							
MarksMoneymakrs	335	3	100	100	135	52m	56m	59m
Miklos         	85	10	-115	100	100	54u	54m	56m
Pigpen         	0							
PO69           	100	9	100			58m		
prime21        	-100	13	-100	-100	100	58p	60p	52m
Puckhandler    	-100	22	-100			51o		
Santo          	100	5	100			59p		
smitch124      	0							
Snookslayer    	55	7	-145	100	100	51p	55o	57p
soli           	200	25	100	100		55o	57o	
THE POSTMAN!   	305	15	100	100	105	54m	55o	59o
trytrytry      	-10	8	105	-115		56p	60u	
turksure       	0							
wiskers1       	5	16	105	-100		56p	60p	
Wrigley        	-95	14	105	-100	-100	56p	56u	60p
youngman       	-65	21	135	-100	-100	52p	54p	58p

New member
May 10, 2008
crzbrave 105 20 -100 105 100 53m 56p 56m

Hey Joh, not sure if I understand this if I'm wrong can you explain it to me. Does the - 100 mean I lost? Cuz I went 3-0 yesterday.. Columbus W, Det W, Det -1.5 Win.

New member
May 10, 2008
My numbers don't add up altogether unless I just don't understand the breakdown..can u check into this for me or explain it ? thx

New member
May 10, 2008
Feb. 16th

53 Dallas Stars +110 = WIN
55 New York Rangers +103 = LOSS
58 Nashville Predators UNDER 5.5 -130 = WIN

Feb. 17th

3 Boston Bruins -1.5 +188 = WIN
5 Chicago Blackhawks OVER 6 +105 = WIN
14 San Jose Sharks -1.5 -110 = WIN

Feb. 18th

53 Columbus Blue Jackets -137 = WIN
56 Detroit Red Wings -1.5 +105 = WIN
56 Detroit Red Wings - 285 = WIN

New member
May 10, 2008

Feb. 15th

801H East +2.5 -111 = LOSS
801 East +4.5 -112 = LOSS
801 East +154 = LOSS

Feb. 17th

703 Charlotte Bobcats +9 -112 = WIN
711 New Orleans Hornets -3 -103 = LOSS
714 Houston Rockets UNDER 192.5 -107 = WIN

Feb. 18th

504 Charlotte Bobcats -5 -107 = WIN
519 Los Angeles Lakers -5 -102 = WIN
521 Phoenix Suns -7.5 -110 = WIN

New member
Nov 21, 2008
I can already tell you what you did wrong...

Feb 18th:

Rotation number for Columbus Blue Jackets should have been 54 instead of 53, hence the reason you got a loss...

I did the same thing on the first day against the Islanders... had the wrong rotation number but the right play written down.

New member
Nov 21, 2008
and your other loss was from this:

714 Houston Rockets UNDER 192.5 -107 = WIN

The score was 114-88 Houston... which means that was 202 pts, hence the over... so looks like everything is correct. sorry.. I was bored so I just looked over all of your plays and figured out what was wrong!

New member
May 10, 2008
Yeah the Rockets was a loss, my mistake on that one. And it does look like I posted the wrong rotation number somehow.. but it's pretty obvious my pick was Columbus Blue Jackets... now let me ask you this. You think if someone wanted to pick the Blues they would mess up and accidentally put the Columbus Blue Jackets and not notice that they're putting up Columbus Blue Jackets... I think it would be the opposite. Someone can easily mess up a rotation number 53, 54.. but the team names would be pretty hard to mess up wouldnt u think? If you like the Blues, you're definetly not going to put Columbus by mistake and not realize it... If I get this graded as a loss.. I would be a lil upset but it is my fault. I just don't understand it.. you're gonna tell me if I put 54- St. Louis Blues I wouldve gotten a win for this ? It's pretty obvious I chose Columbus..:>(

New member
Nov 21, 2008
Trust me, I battled with JOH all day two days ago about the same thing... I had the wrong rotation number but had the Islanders at like +160, which would have really helped my score... instead i get my -100 (a 260 pt swing mind you) since I had a wrong rotation number but a correct play. He doesn't budge even when he should IMO... your play was obvious as mine was too.. he says it's easier to grade rotation numbers which is true.. but if attention is brought to the play that was graded wrong bc of a rotation number and the correct play was there, then credit should be given.. but I've moved on from that one lol... you'll get no where complaining about it, trust me :)


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
that about sums it up... dlw902 has all the answers.

my question... what's so hard about copying and pasting straight across so the rotation # matches up with the team? I have way too many games to grade to read every team that's posted. Very simple to get the rotation # right.

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