I checked out this site. It IS pretty good. Just curious, does anyone know of a site that tracks MLB bullpen rankings/strength on a daily or weekly basis? Thanks in advance if you could provide.
Thank you 422udew1ns, I looked at the site and see much of the same information on dozens of other sites. If I overlooked it, I am sorry, but I was looking for a ranking table for MLB Bullpens. Something that summarized which ones are good and which ones are, well, not so good.
Thanks and point me to the right button if I did overlook something on Don's
Thanks Vac. I have looked at Covers. They do list bullpens for each Matchup, but It would take a ream of paper to printout every teams bullpen. What I was looking for, is one site that keeps track of bullpen rankings etc, that I could use. Maybe its too hard to keep up with stats wise. If its out there, I will find it one day. Thank you for your reply.
Just to clarify, those aren't picks. The color highlighting is mostly for my benefit (cleanuphitter is my site) and it's simply meant to call attention to plays that deserve a closer look. Making a bet based solely on the highlighted angles wouldn't be recommended.
kazidog, what kind of bullpen information specifically is it you're looking for?
How are things like ESPN Insider? Do they have more extensive stats? I too am interested in a resource with overall bullpen ERA & WHIP, opponent's SLG%, etc.