Hi Everyone,
I'm looking for a good, reliable sportsbook to use. I am from Canada. I plan on betting mostly NHL, but I do bet NFL, MMA, & Tennis from time to time.
I started off with Bodog but started to realize they are super slow at posting line which annoyed me. Then I noticed that they won't post some moneyline (NFL) if the spread is too big. The pro with bodog though is they paid out superfast...
I moved to Bookmaker but they just seem shady to me. Their customer service kept asking me for my password. I dont know any business in the world that asks people for their password. They also required me to call into them after every deposit - became annoying.
Can any Canadians refer me to a book that doesn't give the run around, posts lines early, and pays out honestly, quickly, and without tons of fees?
I'm looking for a good, reliable sportsbook to use. I am from Canada. I plan on betting mostly NHL, but I do bet NFL, MMA, & Tennis from time to time.
I started off with Bodog but started to realize they are super slow at posting line which annoyed me. Then I noticed that they won't post some moneyline (NFL) if the spread is too big. The pro with bodog though is they paid out superfast...
I moved to Bookmaker but they just seem shady to me. Their customer service kept asking me for my password. I dont know any business in the world that asks people for their password. They also required me to call into them after every deposit - became annoying.
Can any Canadians refer me to a book that doesn't give the run around, posts lines early, and pays out honestly, quickly, and without tons of fees?