Gman, they actually were good songs, I figured after they got busted, the actual singers of the songs might make a go of it. Did you ever see that special on VH1 of them showing their life story, and how it came about they got busted. One night they were on stage, lipsyncing, and the freaking tape stopped or broke back stage!
One of the guys panicked, and just ran off of the stage!
In the show, they were interviewing the one who is still alive, and he was telling how they were up for a Grammy award and didnt want to win it because they didnt want to have to go on stage and perform again because rumors were beginning to leak after that lipsync screw up. His quote was exactly this in a sarcastic voice....."And you know what, we won the G@d D@mn Grammy"! and didnt even want to!.......