hey judge,
sorry, i can't help you out, but there are some pretty reasonable places for sale up in the hills, you've just got to look around a bit. it takes some time wading through all the stuff the realtors have posted on their web sites...and it's a pain in the ass, i know...
anyway, i'm just selling my place, i'm not a realtor or anything like that.
I got a place for sale in Los Anonos, Escazu thats super quiet, secure and 2 minutes walking time from Big Dog's, 6 minutes to Bagelmen's (depending on your hangover) and close to all the other necessities of life.
It's $129,000, furnished if you want and I am a motivated seller. Its got 5 or 3 giant bedrooms,
end of a cul-de-sac, little garden in the back and is a money maker. Call me at 388-5055 or email me at GreatPlaces@hotmail.com
Judge...I am working on it believe me I will let you know..thanks so much for the offer...my best friend and I from work would come..for maybe 4 days IF..we can hook up the time off from work and find good airfare to San jose. I told him you are legendary in knowing where the good times are ...
Judge..I may even get my work to foot some of the bill if I can get them to believe im going to CR for "educational Purposes" which it will be sort of..