Bears fan starts ‘GoFundMe’ to buy out kicker Cody Parkey’s contract.


Sep 21, 2004

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<time>1 week ago</time>
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It didn’t take long for kicker Cody Parkey to fall out of favor in Chicago.
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</amp-img><iframe class="i-amphtml-fill-content" name="amp_iframe0" allowtransparency="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox" src="" style="display: block; height: 0px; max-height: 100%; max-width: 100%; min-height: 100%; min-width: 100%; width: 0px; margin: auto; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; bottom: 0px; right: 0px; z-index: 0; box-sizing: border-box !important;"></iframe></amp-iframe>His missed kicks this season already have Bears fans wanting him off the team, and at least one wants to pay up for it.
A Bears fan identified as Nicholas Kelly of Fort Campbell, Kentucky started a crowdfunding campaign to buy out the $9 million of guaranteed money in Parkey’s contract.
The 26-year-old kicker signed in Chicago this offseason on a four-year, $15 million contract, with 60 percent of it guaranteed at signing.
He missed an extra point against the Minnesota Vikings in Week 17 but made up for it with a 42-yard field goal in the fourth quarter.
Parkey finished the regular season 23-of-30 on field goals, good for 76.7 percent accuracy, and 41-of-44 on extra points (93.2 percent).
Bears fans are quick to forget the kicking issues they had last season, with Connor Barth hitting only 68.8 percent of his field goals, although the team only missed two extra points all season.
No one has donated to the ‘GoFundMe’ yet, and that wouldn't actually be able to affect the Bears' salary cap, but at the very least, it’s a funny story from a frustrated fan.
If Chicago released Parkey in the offseason, they would add over $5 million in dead cap money while taking just over $4 million off the books, saving no cap space in the process.


New member
Sep 24, 2012
The kick was blocked

Chicago fans once again show their stupidity

Sep 20, 2004
The kick was blocked

Chicago fans once again show their stupidity

Not exactly. It was tipped, but it wasn't blocked by a free rusher. The d-lineman getting a piece of that is 100% Parkey's fault. He needed to kick it higher. It would have been understandable if it was a 55+ yard FG attempt and he needed to drive it low and hard to get it there. But this was a 43 yeard attempt. No reason for the ball to be kicked that low.

Dec 12, 2006
Not sure why he gets all of the blame. He scored more points by himself than the entire Bears offense. Also, that defense isn't elite.

New member
Jan 11, 2015
That's funny.

But if you're a kicker, that's what you gotta do. It's not a coincidence that Vinatieri nailed every goddamn big kick like he was fucking King Kong.

You either get it done or you don't.

Oct 29, 2005
robbie gould...

enough said...

you get what you pay for....

CHGO...was to Cheaaaaaap....for Robbie G...


go back to d 3 where you belong....

Sep 23, 2004
They can get rid of their kicker...they are a dime a dozen. But they are still stuck with a scatter-arm quarterback, which will always hold them back. Thank god the Bears didn't draft Mahomes. They would be damn near unbeatable. But with Truemissme, they can always be had.

New member
Oct 31, 2013
Yea, and if Parkey makes the kick, people are talking about how Trubisky made some great throws in the 3rd and 4th quarter to lead them back and no one is mentioning about the Foles so called magic because the Bears would have won. 9 teams didn't draft Mahomes. If he was a once in a generation quarterback coming out of college, why wasn't he picked earlier? Where did everyone go who said Watson was such a great prospect? I would take Trubisky over Watson. He looked pathetic against the Colts. It looks like he cant throw out of the pocket. Trubisky played one year of college, and he will only improve from here.

Jul 4, 2012
Can we get a go fund me to get Mack to show up at the next Bears playoff game?

A 36 year old over-weight tackle with a bad leg manhandled him for 60 minutes.

Remember when they were comparing Mack to LT?


Sep 21, 2004

It’s been largely downhill from there for the rookie kicker playing in the dark shadow of Cody Parkey. Things went from bad to worse early in Sunday’s 17-7 loss to the Los Angeles Rams.
[h=2]More missed Bears field goals[/h]The Bears had a chance to put the first points on the board on their opening drive when they sent Piñeiro out for a field goal after stalling at the Rams’ 30-yard line. Piñeiro got a good snap and a good hold. He did not provide a good kick.
Piñeiro’s 48-yard attempt immediately hooked left and never flirted with the uprights as the game remained scoreless.
<figure style="font-size: 16px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; margin: 1em 0px; caret-color: rgb(29, 34, 40); color: rgb(29, 34, 40); font-family: ArticleDetailFont-Regular, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;">
<figcaption style="font-size: var(--figcaption-font-size) !important; color: var(--figcaption-font-color) !important;">The heroics of Eddy Piñeiro's game-winner over the Broncos seem like a long time ago (Will Newton/Getty Images)</figcaption></figure>Two possessions later, Piñeiro had another chance to put the first points on the board when another Chicago drive stalled, this time at the Rams’ 29-yard-line. Once again, he got a good snap and a good hold.
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But this time he pushed the ball to the right for a second miss in as many tries. He didn’t attempt another field goal in the 10-point loss.
[h=2]Nagy losing confidence[/h]Bears head coach Matt Nagy didn’t even wait until after the game to comment on the kicks, sharing a critical assessment with NBC’s Michelle Tafoya at halftime.
[COLOR=var(--body-font-color) !important]“This is the NFL,” Nagy told Tafoya. “You’ve got to make those kicks.”[/COLOR]
Tafoya also reported that Nagy wouldn’t “be inclined” to use Piñeiro with the game on the line.
[h=2]Why the big show in the offseason?[/h]The Bears made a spectacle of their offseason kicker search in the aftermath of Parkey’s double-doink miss that secured a playoff win for the Philadelphia Eagles at Soldier Field last season.
Piñeiro was the answer they came up with.
With Sunday’s misses to open the game, Piñeiro dropped to 12-of-17 on field-goal attempts on the season. He’s also missed an extra point.
This is not the answer Chicago fans hoped for.

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