Okay.. you set yourself up for an RX post ass-whooping. You said, and I quote, "he's very cute!!". with a picture of a weed plant posted.
He is the male form of a verb. Remember in English we have "He" "She" "They" "Them etc... You obviously are American because in Spanish you use male and female verbs like "Lo" "Los" "La" "Las" "Ellos" "Ellas" Etc
You never said "she", which when referring to a picture of Marijuana is what you should have said. Feel free to recant your last post and I will save you from embarrassment. If not, you will continue to look dumb... or dumber in this case.
I am sure you have heard the annoying ass song in CR, "En mi barrio nunca traigo, la marijuana". Notice how the song says "La" not "El". It is a female, not a male.
Want to argue your point some more or will you agree with me that I am right (in this case)?
Hijacking threads? Hardly. I am responding to YOUR post with a weed picture. If anything, YOU hijacked the thread. But, I am not here for pissingwars, just teacjing you the correct form to refer to the goddess of Marijuana. If you smoke weed, you have to know she is a female and not a male.
NES, saved your thread. You can thank me later.