Batman Begins: Dark Knight....The First Five Minutes!!!


And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
posted by OtownRog on Jul 2, 2008 6:58:33 AM
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Heres's a taste, for those who can't wait...
<EMBED src="" width=500 height=300 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
<object width="450" height="358"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="450" height="358" allowFullScreen="true"></embed></object>

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
Domino’s Pizza Hosts New ‘Dark Knight’ Trailer

Posted by Empress Eve | July 1st, 2008 at 3:31 pm | Trackback

Dominos Pizza has posted a new trailer for The Dark Knight, which you can also watch here below.

After Papa John’s Pizza recently debuted the trailer for The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperior, we should have seen more of this product-promotion tie-in stuff coming. And we should have especially seen it coming for The Dark Knight, which has been plugging Gotham City Pizzeria in their latest viral marketing effort (see Two-Face In New ‘Dark Knight’ Viral Video).

Domino’s is, of course, doing more than hosting the trailer; they’re also doing a ton of promotions (no toys though, drats!). For those of you interested in Domino’s New Gotham City Pizza special as well as the chance to win big prizes, see full details from the press release below.

The Dark Knight will open in theaters and IMAX nationwide on July 18, 2008.


Press Release

Domino’s Delivers the Ultimate The Dark Knight Experience
and $10K a Day

The Delivery Experts Partner with Warner Bros. Pictures and DC Comics on the Release of the Highly Anticipated ‘The Dark Knight’ film

ANN ARBOR, Mich., June 30 — Beginning today, Domino’s Pizza (NYSE:DPZ) , the recognized world leader in pizza delivery, will deliver the ultimate The Dark Knight experience, including:

— The New Gotham City Pizza
— TDK $10K Giveaway for 21 Days
— The Dark Knight Vault Interactive Experience

The New Gotham City Pizza
Now through July 27, customers can order Domino’s new Gotham City Pizza — a large, hand-tossed pizza, cloaked with 50 percent more pepperoni than a standard portion, for $9.99 and delivered in a specially-designed Gotham City Pizza Box. The Gotham City-themed box puts a The Dark Knight twist on Domino’s pizza boxes. Each of the four versions of the box highlights a different element of the Batman costume, including the mask, arm gauntlets, utility belt and chest emblem.

The Dark Knight Vault and the TDK $10K Giveaway
For 21 days (July 7-July 27), customers will have a chance to have $10,000 delivered to their door in a Gotham National Bank armored vehicle when they order the Gotham City Pizza. Domino’s has gone to great lengths to ensure that customers will be able to receive their prize money immediately upon delivery. No purchase necessary to enter or win. Void in AK, HI and where prohibited. Promotion runs 12:01 a.m. ET 7/7/08 to 11:59:59 p.m. ET 7/27/08. To participate, you must be a legal resident of the 48 contiguous U.S. or D.C, and be 13 or older at the time of entry

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
This has to be the most anticipated movie of the summer....and some are saying that Heath Ledger could win an oscar for his role..

New member
Dec 20, 2007
As terrible as this is going to sound...I havent seen ANY of the other batman movies...I want to see them and have been told that they are there an order that I should watch them in? Watch them by release date? Lol for some reason there are so many good movies out there that I havent seen and I need to start seeing some of them

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
As terrible as this is going to sound...I havent seen ANY of the other batman movies...I want to see them and have been told that they are there an order that I should watch them in? Watch them by release date? Lol for some reason there are so many good movies out there that I havent seen and I need to start seeing some of them

The only one you need to see is Batman Begins....IMO

**better link


New member
Nov 4, 2005
The most recent Batman (with Chistian Bale) was certainly much better than the crap that preceeded it. Should be good.


The only one you need to see is Batman Begins....IMO

Yeh, this is the only previous Batman you need to watch. Much darker, more serious and a great cast, compared to previous movies which were basically kid's movies.

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
After 'Dark Knight,' Christian Bale tackles the 'Terminator'

<!-- Article Publish Date -->July 2, 2008
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript> if (SITELIFE_ENABLED == true){ gSiteLife.Recommend("ExternalResource", "1036045,term070208", ",term070208.article"); }//if true </SCRIPT>Recommend (4)

<!-- Article By Line -->BY CINDY PEARLMAN
<!-- Article's First Paragraph --><!-- BlogBurst ContentStart -->Ah-nuld said he would be back. But he won’t — because it's Batman himself, Christian Bale, who is reinventing “The Terminator” in the upcoming installment in the movie franchise, “Terminator Salvation.”
The Sun-Times got some exclusive scoop yesterday in Los Angeles about the super-secret new project from Bale. “I'm playing John Connor,” Bale says. “We can actually compare the new ‘Terminator’ to ‘Batman Begins.’,term070208.article
<!-- BlogBurst ContentEnd --><!-- start sidebar -->

RX Chef
Dec 27, 2007
As terrible as this is going to sound...I havent seen ANY of the other batman movies...I want to see them and have been told that they are there an order that I should watch them in? Watch them by release date? Lol for some reason there are so many good movies out there that I havent seen and I need to start seeing some of them

Honestly, most of the original ones were TERRIBLE. Maybe watch the very first one with Michael Keaton, but I wouldn't waste your time with the others. Skip straight to Batman Begins with Christian Bale, which single handedly saved the series from crap like Mr. Freeze....neon gangs and perhaps the worst moment in Batman history..."Bat Skates!"

New member
Jul 15, 2006
The very first one with Keaton and Nicholson was good. YOu can skip the rest and just watch Batman Begins. Best one of the series i think! At first i was not sure how bringing the Joker back would work since NIcholson did such a great job in the first one. With what i have seen in the trailer i really like how dark the film will be. I hope it lives up to the expectations for it.

Mr Swingin Battle Axes
Jun 7, 2007
Posted this in the Ent forum a few days ago....

This film looks way too wicked....Good stuff Demo on the clip...

(Taken from a film website)

The Dark Knight is Already Poised to Shatter Records!
June 27, 2008
by Alex Billington

We're completely in the thick of the summer movie season now and excitement for numerous upcoming films is starting to boil over. You might remember a rather interesting article I wrote last weekend titled: The Financial Success of The Dark Knight. In it, I discussed the potential for The Dark Knight's incredible financial success and in turn started a heated discussion in the comments about how much money The Dark Knight might end up making. An e-mail hit my inbox today with some rather exciting news. "As of June 27th, Dark Knight has sold eight times as many tickets on as Spider-Man 3 at the same point in the sales cycle — 21 days from the film's official release." Yes, this movie is going to be big, very big. It's already poised to shatter records and we've still got 21 more days.
The e-mail came from's public relations representative and is completely accurate. Let me remind you that Spider-Man 3 currently holds the world record for the biggest opening weekend at $151 million in three days. The Dark Knight has already surpassed ticket sales of Spider-Man 3 at 21 days in advance - that is a strong indication that this movie is easily going to shatter records. Add in this news from SlashFilm as well: Fandango reports that midnight showings on their site are already selling out. I haven't felt this confident in how big the opening weekend of a film will be since 300 changed Hollywood forever with its record-breaking March opening weekend.
Now I won't exactly claim that I think The Dark Knight is going to beat Spider-Man 3, per se, but I have a feeling it will break some records. Passing Spidey's three day weekend total is going to be tough. Even Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, at $135 million, didn't even come that close. Everyone seems to be under the impression that the dark, anti-family nature of the film and it's 150-minute running time are going to hurt its box office. Guess what? They won't. And this information right here is early proof. Get ready for one hell of an incredible July. Everyone who has doubted the potential for The Dark Knight is going to be shocked to see the film shatter all of their perceptions of how the Hollywood system works. That's how big and how powerful The Dark Knight truly is!

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004

Nice read....I looked up tickets for the midnight showing close to me and 2 out of 5 theaters are already sold out. They are adding a 2:45 am showing just to accomidate

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