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RX Local
Jul 10, 2007
For the sake of clarity.

If a RX poster has a comment good OR bad about a non sponsor book, that comment good OR bad should only be made in the site promo sub forum?

In other words, the only comments that are permitted in the main section of the RX are comments about sponsor books?

I am not entirely sure of the clarification on that.. but its doubtful it is that literal.. I think its more about that particular book and the rx.. so take that one out of the discussion and the rest are fair game I believe.

basically RX is open to discussing topics about sportsbooks in general.. but promoting a bonus or special from a book that doesnt pay to be a sponsor here would not impress the current sponsors because they do in fact pay to be able to promote here.. every other book is welcome to freely promote in the Site Promo's section as previously directed though :toast: (this makes sense right?)

if there is a complaint about a sponsor, non sponsor, or any type of book/casino/etc you play with then those things can be dealt with by Holmes at RateTheBooks (or whoever deals with the complaint at the time).. but its just much easier to file a complaint here to get things done quickly -

hope that makes sense?

I am just trying to help yall understand better so that you can relate to it not being necessarily a bad thing.. its just something that is done this way.

Jan 17, 2007
How are we wrong?

Can I pay a compliment on the main board here about the customer service of a non-sponsored RX book? Yes or no?

Yes you can. But we now changed this Sub forum so you can talk about Any and All Books.

The ONLY way it will be moved will be if we feel you are Shilling for that Book.

and in the past ( meaning past Year ) we have allowed talk about Non Sponsored book. ( All but One )
Jan 17, 2007
I am not entirely sure of the clarification on that.. but its doubtful it is that literal.. I think its more about that particular book and the rx.. so take that one out of the discussion and the rest are fair game I believe.

basically RX is open to discussing topics about sportsbooks in general.. but promoting a bonus or special from a book that doesnt pay to be a sponsor here would not impress the current sponsors because they do in fact pay to be able to promote here.. every other book is welcome to freely promote in the Site Promo's section as previously directed though :toast: (this makes sense right?)

if there is a complaint about a sponsor, non sponsor, or any type of book/casino/etc you play with then those things can be dealt with by Holmes at RateTheBooks (or whoever deals with the complaint at the time).. but its just much easier to file a complaint here to get things done quickly -

hope that makes sense?

I am just trying to help yall understand better so that you can relate to it not being necessarily a bad thing.. its just something that is done this way.


Couldn't have said it better... Thanks Murph

New member
Sep 13, 2005
Tony... you know I'm a Straight Shooter ... It's just a few of the same people keep posting about them ever so often. If they or Anyone wants to Promote them.. We have a Site Promotions Sub Forum where they can Post All day long at.

and there are some Non-Sponsor Books that I can Personally help with. There are a few Posters here that can tell you I have helped on 1 or 2 Shops getting people paid.

BAS, I apologized to you and ment it. But I don't agree with your comment about being a straight shooter. You do a good job, but when it came to the book in question you definitely didn't shoot straight. You were all over the map. That's how I remember things.
Jan 17, 2007
BAS, I apologized to you and ment it. But I don't agree with your comment about being a straight shooter. You do a good job, but when it came to the book in question you definitely didn't shoot straight. You were all over the map. That's how I remember things.

That's your opinion..

As a Player at that Book in question, they probably treat you Right.

They Didn't treat the RX right ( well at first they did * Bail-out ) But after that ?? NO way !
Posting Personal Email's... Information that's worked Behind the scenes.

Have Posters come here to Promote them... Give out Money to Any Poster to use their Logo as their Avatar...
That one was the Best one... All Planned out in Mass Email's... Step by Step plans.. LOL

But the Books that PAY to be a Sponsor, to hang a Banner should ?? what ?? Just let it go ??

They are Sneaky... I Don't like Sneaky ! Two faced... = NOT a straight Shooter

Anyone that knows me, Knows I'm a Straight Shooter... I say it like it is. No reason to Sugarcoat shit.

So you have me all wrong.

New member
Nov 27, 2006
Just so we are all on the same page. (and I know you have a liong laundry list there BAS)

The contest I ran for *gasp* 1Vice, were ran with permission of RX ownership, and in a very short period gave away over $6000 of Bonus Plays to RX posters.

I know that is not the only thing that you as well as others bulked at, but I get the "vibe", that those contest were the straw that broke the Ca......

Anyhow, I enjoy the RX a great deal. Always have. Read it every day. Have many friends here.

But kinda feel like I am not welcome. Once again, not something that has been said directly, but well you know.

And yes, I was talking with another book about running contest here, but those contest were NEVER potched as replacing anything the RX was doing, but as a supplement. Along those lines, I see that many of the things that were out of wack with the contest being run here, have been improved. Who knows, maybe in an indirect way i played a part in that? Maybe not.

It's a message board. Nothing more and nothing less. Life goes on, but i wish things had played out in another fashion.

Love the points BTW, it's a big improvement, and IMo will be a big asset to the RX going forward.

New member
Sep 13, 2005
I'm sure most of the time you're a straight shooter. But you weren't at the time the shit hit the fan. You were given many oppotunities to clear the air about what happened. You kept skirting the issue, or on more then 1 occassion you said it was something big! And now you mention that after the bailout they posted personal e-mails? I assume that's what you meant about something big? I don't know thou because you weren't a straight shooter when it came to the book you disliked. You can keep denying, but I remember what happened.

In no way am I trying to pick a fight with you. I was humble enough & knew I was wrong, so I apoligized to you earlier, but if you what to be known as a straight shooter you need to address your denial issues.

New member
Nov 27, 2006
... Give out Money to Any Poster to use their Logo as their Avatar...
That one was the Best one... All Planned out in Mass Email's... Step by Step plans.. LOL

I agree.

The night I thought of that, I shot diet squirt and whiskey out of my nose from laughing so hard.

New member
Nov 27, 2006
They Didn't treat the RX right ( well at first they did * Bail-out )

They bailed out a book that the RX shoved down posters throats to the tune of $27,000 and in return got a banner for 1 mth.

If not for the bailout SYNBET would still be, discussed here.

RX Local
Jul 10, 2007
boat.. i personally think u are welcome here and if u feel that the contests got or are getting in the way of that then just post here like normal and forget the contests here if u cant get a sponsor or whatever the signature is about :)

I thought before the contests ur posts were entertaining to read for sure (funny as shit sometimes) and I had a good time in CR also with you and Ezstreet. everything we did there was a good time...

dont feel unwelcome to post here.. u arent banned nor on review so as far as I know u are welcome just like any other poster :)

just had to say that as I was compelled to definitely make sure u acknowledge that u can post here just as freely as anyone else.. :toast:


New member
Nov 27, 2006
I am considering having my refurbished BBQ grill bizz, buy a banner at the RX.

That way I can run contest and give away grill parts and no one will F' with me.
Jan 17, 2007
I'm sure most of the time you're a straight shooter. But you weren't at the time the shit hit the fan. You were given many oppotunities to clear the air about what happened. You kept skirting the issue, or on more then 1 occassion you said it was something big! And now you mention that after the bailout they posted personal e-mails? I assume that's what you meant about something big? I don't know thou because you weren't a straight shooter when it came to the book you disliked. You can keep denying, but I remember what happened.

In no way am I trying to pick a fight with you. I was humble enough & knew I was wrong, so I apoligized to you earlier, but if you what to be known as a straight shooter you need to address your denial issues.

I wrote this way back when... But maybe I'm not saying it right.

This is a BUSINESS... Not ALL Businesses are an Open Book. So if I CAN'T say what issues or problems are... That Means It's NOBODY'S Business.
* Not trying to say it in a Harsh way... It's really how I would say it to someone in the "Real World"

It's not just you... It's Plenty of people.
I don't know your business.... because it's none of my business... Same goes for me...

Just wish People would understand this more... I understand it's a internet Forum... But just like any other business out there ( that's Not Public record ) They just don't open the Books for all to see.

My 2 cents
Jan 17, 2007
They bailed out a book that the RX shoved down posters throats to the tune of $27,000 and in return got a banner for 1 mth.

If not for the bailout SYNBET would still be, discussed here.

Yeah.. and they had a deal in place.. and Fucked it up... and ???

and then Played Dirty at EVERY FUCKING Forum ! What's your buddy banned at ?? 2 or 3 Major forums ?? isn't that a shame...

Maybe if he played by the rules... they would have a banner up at every forum.
Jan 17, 2007
Just so we are all on the same page. (and I know you have a liong laundry list there BAS)

The contest I ran for *gasp* 1Vice, were ran with permission of RX ownership, and in a very short period gave away over $6000 of Bonus Plays to RX posters.

I know that is not the only thing that you as well as others bulked at, but I get the "vibe", that those contest were the straw that broke the Ca......

Anyhow, I enjoy the RX a great deal. Always have. Read it every day. Have many friends here.

But kinda feel like I am not welcome. Once again, not something that has been said directly, but well you know.

And yes, I was talking with another book about running contest here, but those contest were NEVER potched as replacing anything the RX was doing, but as a supplement. Along those lines, I see that many of the things that were out of wack with the contest being run here, have been improved. Who knows, maybe in an indirect way i played a part in that? Maybe not.

It's a message board. Nothing more and nothing less. Life goes on, but i wish things had played out in another fashion.

Love the points BTW, it's a big improvement, and IMo will be a big asset to the RX going forward.

As far as I know... Nobody told you to leave ! You decided that..

Looks like you have a gig across the Street... So guess you ain't missing a Beat

New member
Nov 27, 2006
BAS they could have a banner at ANY forum they wanted to.

Getting a banner at a forum takes one thing.

Writing out a check.


Some books see value in mkting that way, other's don't. Some books start having banners when they are young and move away from that direction as they get more established, some books start bu not having banners and as they get more established, go the banner route.

The point is, don't make it sound like ANYBOOK who is willing to write out a check can't have a banner.

Hell synbet had a banner, as did the other book they were linked with. How did that work out?
Jan 17, 2007
As far as I know... Nobody told you to leave ! You decided that..

Looks like you have a gig across the Street... So guess you ain't missing a Beat

Speaking of Your Gig.... How come when you First started doing the same Over there... They were for Sponsored Books Only ?????

How come you didn't Throw a Bone to your Buddy ??

New member
Nov 27, 2006
Looks like you have a gig across the Street... So guess you ain't missing a Beat

Yes, giving away 5-7 GRAND this mth.

But don't get me wrong, I enjoy reading the RX, always have. Always will. Great site. I read lots of sites. Almost all have something to offer.
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