My Dodgers 10 game streak over last night .Winners of 14 out 16. Wonder if Forest Gump (Tmader7) picked up on my winning picks. Nooo he's to busy calling me Rainman. Ok went 2-2 yesterday Lost $12. Won $376. Best week ever in baseball ever.Had lot better weeks in football .Ok here goes My Dodgers^^^8.5+105 $30-34, AZ (red hot at home , made a lot $$$ on them this week. Az -110 $33-30, $30 2 TEAMER Parlay Houston & Toronto^^^^9.5. $30 parlay Seattle -195&PITT ^^^^9. Seattle -1.5/Pitt win $25. Good luck fellas & gals.All civil comments welcome. I hope my English is getting better.Remember out there, to the person who came up with my Rainman name.Rainman was great with numbers, that's why I'm better person & gambler than you ?