But Fish I am Mr. Mush right now. After a great start the first 2 days of the NCAA, I lost 4 hoops bets in a row...most by about a point or two one by half point. Yeah I bet a couple of favs
that day and that started the whole thing.
The night I described in my original post here I lost a total of three hoops bets. Now thats 7 hoops games in a row.
Now here is how YOU KNOW your losing streak is being perpetuated by your own now distorted lack of confidence, indecision, second guessing and yes bad luck too.
So last night I'm going to go one game big....get some back you know. I like the Lightning in Toronto but I don't bet it cause, well its hockey and I still see the Lightning as well the Ning ... Then I figure 214 is too many for the Bucks/Sac game and I'm going to go pretty big on the under or not play it at all. But I have too much time to look into numbers and stuff and reverse myself and decide its going to go over and pull the trigger on the Over in a game I should have left pass. But nooooo....it was the last game of the night. BTW, I have accomplished this without actually chasing.
What happens is the game gets stuck on 212 with over a minute to go and things conspire so that nobody even tries much to score....and nobody does score. 8 in a row!!! I did pretty good at Darlington Sunday on matchups but those were very small bets as I'm just getting the feel of Nascar wagering.
I'm thinking OK I'm going to go right to sleep last night cause I don't want one of Mrs. Jones's pots she has hanging all over the house to fall and hit me on the head and anyway we've all been through this before and I ain't going to whine about it. Hell that's gambling. But I get up in the morning get the paper from the driveway go to feed the ducks and find all of my baby chickens and ducks have been killed by a night time predator which must have been so large it destroyed the cage and ripped all the birds apart.
The little chickens were OK and I liked them and Mrs. Jones was sort of like the chicken keeper. But I have raised the ducks right from the shell and I LOVE MY ducks man and they were just about big enough to let loose into the pond with the other seven adults. There were four so I would have gone from seven to eleven. There was Goldsheet, Lucky TuTone, Joe Dirt Parlay [ he had a mullet of sorts on top of his head] and Teaser.
Lucky TuTone I did actually raise in the house. I had picked him from the shell cause he was late hatching and was being ignored by his momma. He thought I was his momma and would nest around under my hair while I watched games and follow me around in the house. I went on a nice streak about then. Let him walk on my account ledger and had 6 out of 7 good winning days. I am writing somewhat in shock and Mrs Jones is cleaning quietly just out of habit. We are going about things as best we can.
Anyway being a Mush right now and having lost my mojo, I don't know if I should even get near another gambler till this passes. So I don't know about tonight. I need a winner and need a few friends but don't want to jinx anybody by sitting next to them. Cause man the bad moon has done rose on the Joneses.