Backgammon, one of my all time favorite games... for cards is Spades. Gambling involves using the doubling die and action on backgammon completely changes how you play. Also, dont be fooled initially. Stakes can quickly get out of hand if you dont know what your doing when using a doubling die. I remember being very very good at it straight up when I was younger and would play with my roommate, he was much wiser than me at the time. We decided to wager on games for fun, it was his idea. I got my ass completely and repeatedly kicked very badly for an extended period of time. Think I ended coughing up a few hundred bucks... and remember this was supposed to be tiny stakes, like a nickel or ten cents a point or something. Spades, the best game and so gangster. I was also very good at it and my house was the house where everybody hung out everyday drinking beer and stuff when I was a teen and early twenties. I ended up getting a few weekends in the city detention center which consisted of sitting in a bullpen the whole time with 10 to 20 other non white prisoners and being really white. I was so white that the blacks would not let me play cards. Finally by day 2 they lost a 4th and couldnt get another player so they let me... I was now snowflake. Anyway, pulled a Boston on the first hand, thats all 13 rounds/tricks... very hard to do ever. I was instantly the shizzle, though my partner had to collect for us. My name also changed to Hollywood, they had let me keep my cheap black sunglasses. Overall, was a cool experience and not a deterent at all, at least not for me at the time.