Awsome Roulette Money Maker!!!!

Jun 5, 2007
"Make $100 for every 15 minutes you spend playing roulette. You can do this quickly, easily and in the most relaxed manner possible."

Awsome Roulette System the Casinos don't want you to know about. $5 a unit players are averaging $500 to $700 an hour and even $1 a unit players average $150 to $200 an hour. Email me at powerplaypicks@yahoo if you are really interested in making Big cash from online and land casinos. This system is 98% to 99% effective. Now nothing in this life is 100% but this is as sure as you will find. Even when you do have a losing game, the profits are so amazing that you can make it up in a matter of no time. You will win on average of 50 games out of 52 games played!!!!! No BS. I jsut played 7 minutes this morning and made $288 in only 7 minutes!!!!!

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
is it outside or inside play?

Jun 5, 2007
Don't knock it til you try it Tatertot. $$
Jun 5, 2007
I'm telling you guys, if you follow the system to the T, you will make good money online! $1 units average about $150 per hour and $3 units average $315 an hour and $5 units are averaging $500 to $600 per hour.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
powerplay, I assure you I know more about roulette than you will ever know, I am connected with a syndicate that actively works vegas. You have no idea my connections to this scenerio, (It is a timeing group)

KID, onlne roulette is fkn as retarded as it gets, and any clown that says he can beat it has WRITTEN the fkn program that they use. or they are a LIAR.

Power, dont bother to respond to this part,

Losses are WRITTEN into the program of EVERY online game, that is a fact, anyone reading this, will read it from me 5000 more times,

Power, if you say you have written a live play system I would give you a shot, but dont come in here and insult the intelligence of the RX board, for one its disgusting, and for 2, it just shows your lack of knowledge for the game of roulette, and also computer programs in themselves.

so I ask you for the 4th time, Is your system an outside system or an Inside system?

cheers to you power, Please accept this message as constructive criticism.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004

tate how many hours have you spent playing roulette

Kid, I am honestly embarresd to say very close to 20 sum thous hours, this is over 7 years, and worikng with many many differnt individuals that range in hobbyists to those having docterates in mathmatics and probablilities/statistics.

Online I have used DUBLINBET LIVE TABLES and have PROOF that Ive turned 1000 into 30,000 this took me close to 6 months.

Kid roulette can not be beaten with a cookie cutter system, you must use timing, combined with dealer signature, and solid money management, what makes my specific system unique is that I am NOW employing a negative expectation to those specific 3. so my system is a bit complex, but covers losses as it takes risks,,,

I make NO promises with my system other than I am just barely eeking a profit from it, (tested for almost 700 hours) on llive tables in Laughlin mostly.

Jun 5, 2007
powerplay, I assure you I know more about roulette than you will ever know, I am connected with a syndicate that actively works vegas. You have no idea my connections to this scenerio, (It is a timeing group)

KID, onlne roulette is fkn as retarded as it gets, and any clown that says he can beat it has WRITTEN the fkn program that they use. or they are a LIAR.

Power, dont bother to respond to this part,

Losses are WRITTEN into the program of EVERY online game, that is a fact, anyone reading this, will read it from me 5000 more times,

Power, if you say you have written a live play system I would give you a shot, but dont come in here and insult the intelligence of the RX board, for one its disgusting, and for 2, it just shows your lack of knowledge for the game of roulette, and also computer programs in themselves.

so I ask you for the 4th time, Is your system an outside system or an Inside system?

cheers to you power, Please accept this message as constructive criticism.

Hey Tatertot, its an outside system that does work. I personally don't give a SHIT who you work with. If you follow the system Prescisely, then you will turn a PROFIT, yes even on your RIGGED wheels. Like I said, I'm not trying to rip anybody off, I just want people to try this system and then judge for themselves but don't accuse me of scamming just because you don't know me. So go ahead and be with your "S Y N D I C A T E" while I turn nice profits over and over. Don't knock it til you know it and try it.

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