I had a problem as many did trying to email your company with our Acct # and poster name, like you asked us to do, to qualify for this contest. Now, I had a problem with that email address, as did alot of others, but when I went into bucsfan thread promoting this contest, I saw others their also expressing their same problem with your email address, and no one neither bucsfan or your sportsbook have come forward to explain what the hell is up, or at least I didnt see anything addressing this issue. Can you tell us whats up and what to do. Why isnt anyone addressing this email problem that so many are having? Please let us know. I like many have opened an account like you asked, but till now havent been able to send you our account # and poster name as you have requested us to. Lets clear this siutuation once and for all, before other situations occur. Aloha CC.