This is mainly directed at beginning teaser players, but it is surprising how many people that have bet teasers for a long time dont really understand all the rules. My recommedation.....READ ALL TEASER RULES AT ALL YOUR SPORTSBOOKS. Almost all offer different odds and rules on how they handle TIES. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!! THE MAJORITY OF SPORTSBOOKS OFFER REFUNDS ON 2-TEAM TEASERS IF ONE OF YOUR SIDES TIES......EVEN IF ONE OF YOUR SIDES IS A LOSER!! When I would grade tickets working in the sportsbook in Vegas, you would be amazed at how many patrons throw this type of ticket in the trash!! Again, a 2-team teaser with a TIE is graded NO ACTION even when coupled with a LOSER. PLEASE TAKE THE TIME AND ALLOW YOURSELF TO READ ALL THE RULES AT YOUR TEASER SHOP.