all i made was a comment that you were sharper in poly started the swearing and name calling......jam in your hole bitch..i will fuckin' bury you literally and figuratively..........c untI'm the asshole?? Seriously? I'm usually very congenial, but cum guzzlers like you draw my ire. Go suck a dick, bitch.
Sorry you feel inadequate when people use things like reason and logic to make points instead of insults and Hussein loving in the political forum. If that's what makes me an asshole, then I guess I'm an asshole.
queer pussy..didnt threaten just informed you you fuckin' c unt......but keep hiding c ock cheese......Big man making threats on a message board. I didn't call you a name, per se, i was refering to all dumbass, cocksmoking liberals that troll the poly forum acting like their shit don't stink. Look at the congress you fucks put in place. Nice fucking work. Don't feel special, i couldn't care less about you.
Big man making threats on a message board. I didn't call you a name, per se, i was refering to all dumbass, cocksmoking liberals that troll the poly forum acting like their shit don't stink. Look at the congress you fucks put in place. Nice fucking work. Don't feel special, i couldn't care less about you.
you insult people in every thread you're a fuckin' **** and i would choke the fuckin' life out of your worthless queer ass if given the chance......just be nicer to everyone i dont give a fuck about me're a prick to everyone leave the fuckin site or be human you fuckin' piece of shitI'm hiding? Is that what you're saying? I'm here aren't I? Or are you saying i'm hiding **** cheese? Either way you're a fucktard.