Toutworld Laa 19 Wash 4
Betting World - Wagers (15628) Laa 89% WASH 11%
My 2 biggest fades: LAA -1'
Answer: WASH +1'
You guys that fade and follow these touts picks make me laugh. I never met a person who won $$$$ by doing either. Get some balls and just make your own picks, that way you won't hate the tout you lose your $ to. Continue to live in the service section and you'll be broke and out of gambling like the rest of them.
There's a guy named Golden Greek who spends all day getting service plays by copying them and/or buying plays, just to go against the touts.
Yesterday he went 1-9 and lost all his $$
Just look at the NBA Playoffs. Hometeam Favs went something like ...34-8
Good Hometeams win over 80% in the long run, whether big favs or not.