First I'm not for government taking your money and forcing you to spend it on something you don't want, but that's not the system we have. But would I donate my money to something like this? Yes I would. A kid that's been here since he was three went through school here and was the brightest and the best (genius), yeah I'd donate to that cause, because I want the brightest and the best doing the hardest jobs. I might need a surgery, or get a disease, and the best people might save my life someday, or maybe I die cause the best didn't get to be in that position to save my life.
I also have a totally different outlook on immigration than most of you. Someone's that's known no other life than that of an American, should probably get to be a citizen, plus I think immigration from our neighbors should be as simple as a background check, and getting a number so they can pay taxes.
What it really comes down to is personal choice. If I want to give my hard earned money to this, who the fuck are you to tell me how I can spend my money. Sadly our government raises money by theft though, but if that's the way it's going to be done and it's my fucking money and enough people agree with me that my/our money should be spent on this, then why shouldn't I have a say in how my fucking money is spent?
It's pretty pathetic how mexican immigration has become the scapegoat for a lot of people, as everything that's wrong. It's really bullshit and just an excuse for some people. Immigration is awesome, they do the jobs I don't want, which frees up my time to be more productive, all the while they are creating jobs, because they need to eat, sleep somewhere, they buy cars, buy phones, computers ect..