Journey, though a large percentage of people just dont care about the games outright, a small minority does like to wager on these. However, sportsbooks usually do whatever is needed to discourage people betting and really take it personal if someone is rooting for the other side on a game where a ton of money is needed. To begin with, most clerks dont have internet access and are not allowed to carry their cel phones when inside the department so its tough to be placing bets. They are usually not allowed to bet with the same book so putting them in their own system is not a possibility. Ive seen guys go up to a public phone that may be inside an office and place wagers from there where you can hardly hear anything they are saying but thats exactly what they are doing.
On the other hand, for many, two local sources, the Colonial and the Del Rey in downtown San Jose provide an easy way to gamble, except for the fact taht you have to go there in person to place the bets. Ive noticed I do great with these two primarily because I really have to like something to make the trip (takes me about 40 minutes to get there) so if I really like it Ill make the trip, otherwise, I wouldnt. Ive noticed I fare alot better like that. I cant bet stupid (like Im pissed off the first half didnt go my way so I bet more on second half) stuff like that, so it minimizes the losses. Making a phone call or an internet wager is done in no time and with no effort so its easier to put in plays you dont even want. Its natural to see sportsbook people there walking in and out placing bets but again it is a minority.
Back to the workplace....
A very very small minority, those on stage, the line movers and such, with Don Best and access to the bigger guys plays will sometimes use this information to bet themselves but how they fare is completely beyond me. I guess not too well because Ive never heard much bragging going around. I do know however of several people that have been able to get around the system and cheat the book they work at somehow. Let me give you two examples. At one book several years ago, one guy (supervisor) found out that he could open up the wagering program, get into an account, minimize that window, then open up a second program and use that one the whole night time he would then switch to the original program where he was already logged on and as such would have all the games on the board and simply pick winners. Apparently he didnt throw in enough losers because they got a hold of his scheme about 10,000 later and fired him. 10 k might even be a low figure....
Another guy, got someone to open up an account from the US and would enter "Bonus Plays" into that account....heck if I was given a Bonus Play every day Im sure my account would skyrocket too... This is a bit more difficult to catch of course because its not like you can trace an IP or a phone number to a specific person or location, you simply put in a note in the persons account allowing him to play an X amount free parlay or whatever.
In general, benefits are not really gambling related. Its a job I really enjoy (then again I watch everything from hockey to football and live it like there was no tomorrow) but many dont really enjoy it that much. As far as benefits go, its nice to be at a job where you have several tvs and can watch, some have the chance of bringing on books from school and studying while there is not much activity, perhaps reading the newspaper, etc etc. Of course, some offices seem like para military schools and youre not even allowed to sneeze but then again that happens in every job field.