Are the Blue Jays the next pretender?


New member
Nov 18, 2005
We've seen this before, bunch of free agent signings and presto they are now a contender. If only it was that easy. :howdy:

New member
Nov 4, 2005
Toronto Blue Jays

I don't have to be right but

AJ Burnett for $55 million guaranteed likely = bad business

New member
Dec 10, 2005
100 million on 2 players who really arent all that good. horrible moves...being a baseball owner/gm is a no talent job but rather just how much money u cant waste on overpayed players.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Isn't their GM a supposed "Moneyball" disciple too? I remember reading his name in that book.

Sep 21, 2004
AJ Burnett is not that good? He is that good and the Jays made some damn good moves. Signing BJ Ryan wasn't such a great move but only time will tell if it works out. However, it showed the other free agents that the Jays were serious this year and the Ryan signing triggered the Burnett signing. Lyle Overbay also signed and that was a great signing. Now the Jays can get rid of that stiff Hinske.

Halliday and Burnett as the 1-2 is as good as any 1-2 punch in the business and the Jays just turned into contenders in the East.


New member
Sep 4, 2005
don't know about you guys, but i'd rather have $100 mil tied up in AJ and BJ than $65 mil tied up in Jaret Wright and Carl Pavano. But that's just me. AND ANYBODY ELSE WITH HALF A BRAIN.

New member
Aug 26, 2005
It is clear that both contracts are at least marginally bad and at worst terrible. However the Jays best window of opportunity is 2007 and 2008 as the Yankees fall apart. The Jays were much closer to the Yankees and Red Sox than last year's record suggests. I think the signings of BJ and AJ and the trade for Overbay and a healthy Halladay make the Jays an outside threat for 2006. But with the budget for the Jays likely to go up again in 2007 and 2008 and those moves they definitely should be real contenders. Now come 2010 odds are decent that the BJ and AJ contracts will not be such a great deal. But if you want to be in the playoffs in 2007 and 2008 (and given the Jays situation internally and in their league that has to be their target) I think you have to make those moves.

I am the beetman, goo goo g'joob.
Sep 21, 2004
The Blue Jays are going to be like the Orioles of the late 90s, spending lots to get little.

New member
Dec 27, 2004
not too sure how much some of you follow the Jays at all but I am a lifelong fan so heres some info... the Jays total salaries for the next 2 seasons has a budget at 70-75 million per season (up from 50-55 million range from past couple seasons) , right now they are a few million over budget so are trying to get rid of Eric Hinske and Miguel Batista.. Considering the Yankees are around the 200 million range and Red Sox and O's are in the 100 millions,, I don't think moving up from 55 to 75 million is considered to be some crazed out of control spending spree,,lol... especially considering they filled 2 huge needs for the team with good arms in the prime of their careers in Ryan and Burnett... These are not old washed up free agents their pouring money into.. they are still lagging well behind in their division for payroll as well.. Last year the Jays finished right around .500 mark losing top two starters Halladay and Lilly for large parts of the season,, and had a very unreliable closer in Batista.. they lost a lot of close ballgames by 1 or 2 runs.. That was why getting Ryan was a big priority,, he is a huge upgrade over Batista... Adding Burnett behind a legit Cy Young candidate in Halladay makes one heck of a 1-2 punch as well,, something the Jays and their fans haven't seen in over a decade. Burnett is pretty excited to be reunited with his old pitching coach from Florida Brad Arnsberg,, who had a huge role in Burnett's development when breaking into the league.. Jays did give up some good young players and a top pitching prospect to get Overbay, but he is still young with a very cheap contract,,, (around 500,000 per season) and is a big upgrade over Hinske at first base.. Looks like Riccardi is not done yet and wants to add one more good bat to the lineup... With these three new additions and this young team of starters getting a year older (Adams,Hill, Wells, Hudson, Rios, Johnson),, it should finally give Jays fans a reason to be excited about baseball,, which we haven't been since the back to back world series wins in 92 and 93...

I think I want my money back!
Mar 29, 2005
BLUEJAYS Signing of AJ Burnett will be something in 2years they will regret when they can't get rid of the contract.

BJ RYAN??? One proven year as a closer. LMAO

I hope those canadiens fill those seats.

They tied up money in 2players who won't be on the field but probably 35% to 40% of the season at the most. And they ain't named Pedro.

married with children
Dec 31, 2004
This team is fucking hilarious, funny though the Jays act exactly like the Canadian Gov. (pissing of money and tons of pooch pounding)

New member
Dec 27, 2004
I don't get it,, you wanna talk about pissing money away,, look at the Orioles,, Texas, the Dodgers, and about 10 other teams this past season... The Jays have been around 50 million and lagging way behind most of the teams in salaries for the longest time.. Bumping up from fifty to 70-75 million isn't exactly pissing it away.. They are now what,, 1/3 of the Yankees payroll ??? Its about time the Jays management finally opened up their wallets a bit and give the fans a reason to be excited.. I'm not too sure what people have against Burnett (age 28) and Ryan (30) but I've watched these guys pitch a lot ,, they both have great arms and are in the prime of their careers.. 2plays.. why will the Jays be wanting to get rid of Burnett when he's 30?? As a Jays fan,, this is the first time in a long time I give Jays management a thumbs up on free agency moves.. They will have a solid club that should compete this year around their 75 million budget,, you can do a lot worse in this league...

I think I want my money back!
Mar 29, 2005
Vancouver fan said:
I don't get it,, you wanna talk about pissing money away,, look at the Orioles,, Texas, the Dodgers, and about 10 other teams this past season... The Jays have been around 50 million and lagging way behind most of the teams in salaries for the longest time.. Bumping up from fifty to 70-75 million isn't exactly pissing it away.. They are now what,, 1/3 of the Yankees payroll ??? Its about time the Jays management finally opened up their wallets a bit and give the fans a reason to be excited.. I'm not too sure what people have against Burnett (age 28) and Ryan (30) but I've watched these guys pitch a lot ,, they both have great arms and are in the prime of their careers.. 2plays.. why will the Jays be wanting to get rid of Burnett when he's 30?? As a Jays fan,, this is the first time in a long time I give Jays management a thumbs up on free agency moves.. They will have a solid club that should compete this year around their 75 million budget,, you can do a lot worse in this league...

they will want to get rid of AJ because he will still be a .500 pitcher on a .500 ball club

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Jays are a much better team with these signings, bottom line. Ryan is a huge upgrade and with Toronto's suspect bats they will need a big time closer in all the tight games they will be involved in. If you have watched Burnett pitch you would'nt say he's a waste of money. He hasn't had the big w/l year yet but he's put up solid stats and you can only expect him to get better. His potential is pretty high and its possible he could become a consistent 15-20 win guy. You can't say that seriously for very many pitchers.

I don't expect the Jays to make the playoffs but they will stay in the picture and finish with 85-90 wins.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Ryan is nasty nasty.

Sure he has just one year as a closer, but past three years

207 IP
160 HITS
88 BB

If a team can set him up enough, he'll save 50.

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