Anyone notice a certain line service is not to popular with a certain gambling forum?


There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
I can't be bothered to read it, but I could definately see those two personalities butting heads.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
If You Dont Pay Attention To The Injury Alerts The Don Best Product Is Great. A Super Tool For Your Average Local Bookie Thats For Sure. Gj Guys Will Have A Tough Time Winning Over Any Significant Market Share.

Sep 20, 2004
Yea, I got banned over there for speaking up about DB. I usually am a little more blatant over here with my advertising, so its expected that my posts get removed/edited/deleted here. But over there I never posted a link or anything else. All I did was talk about how Dana always tries strong-arm tactics to try and hurt our business. I guess his advertising dollars over there was more shut-me-up money than anything else. Here is the email he sent me about the whole thing, shortly after he sent this email he deleted every post I made until he finally banned me.

General and/or Shrink if this part of the post is out of line then edit it, but here is a question to you:

If DB is allowed to advertise on more than one forum... shouldnt we be able to help you and advertise for you, and vice-versa?

Please keep private EM out of posts. wilheim
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Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002

I would suggest a conference call with the best of professionalism and open mindness, all egos aside with DB, MW & RX.

Let's all talk

Keeping the mud slinging off the forums is best for all.<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_1525701", true); </SCRIPT>

Sep 20, 2004
The General said:

I would suggest a conference call with the best of professionalism and open mindness, all egos aside with DB, MW & RX.

Let's all talk

Keeping the mud slinging off the forums is best for all.<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_1525701", true); </SCRIPT>
With all due respect to you, and your forum. We did try talking. It didnt work. And the same common courtesy was never given to us. So unfortunately it has come down to letting it all hang out. I say you spill our dirt, and we will spill his. I truly believe we will come up cleaner. He is already doing it behind our backs anyways, telling books we stole his customer database, etc... If he would have left us alone from the start we would not be having these problems. You dont see me saying 1 bad thing about JF, and he has a very successful service, and to him I wish the best.

We wont forget what you did for one of our players who was getting screwed by a book. You tried your best to rectify that. For that, you have my respect. Before when I made remarks about your forums was in haste when I was pissed off. I appologized to you publicly on your forum, and I stand by that appology. I do however have a different viewpoint on you protecting one of your advertisers here that continuosly lies to the people, the forums, and the books he relies on. I understand your business standpoint, and you have to do what you have to do. But I am in the same position, we have to do what we have to do.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
"it made JJ leave MW for awhile"

Now there is some breaking news.:>Grin>

Sep 20, 2004
joel2002 said:
Hey MIKE...had trouble downloading your service.wanted to compare.
I was upgrading it today. Made it look and play a lot better. Call the office at your earliest convenience, or email and we will get you set up. I would help you on these forums but I dont want to over-step my boundaries.

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
Thank you

Trust me on this Sir...

Whichever company comes into a public forum and slings the most mud will lose.

That is my opinion.
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Sep 20, 2004
The General said:
Thank you

Trust me on this Sir...

Whichever company comes into a public forum and slings the most mud will lose.

That is my opinion.
I guess there is a 50/50 chance that you are right.

On a side note, a question I have had about your forums for awhile. Why is it that the 'Views' only increases every so often? Is it on some sort of timer or is there a little kink in it? I know you are a busy forums and even though more people have posted in this thread it stays locked at '222'

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
The views are a weird thing. You can post and it will sit until someone replies with 10 views and then after a reply it will have 50 views. I can't explain. Good question.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Since Mike brought up the stolen customer list, let me set the record straight.

It is a fact that Mike’s company mailed to a mailing list that they knew had been stolen from Don Best by an ex-Don Best employee. Our list was seeded and every seed on the list received their mailer. In addition, they called customers on the list and told them that they had previously worked for Don Best and then proceeded to spew the same lies about our company that they do in these forums. We had multiple customers contact us about the calls and they all heard the same lines.

We contacted Mike’s company and requested that stop using our list and their response what exactly what you would expect from somebody with Mike’s personality. So we had no choice but to take legal action. We sued them and won an injunction against them that required them to stop mailing to our list.

As you can tell from my previous posts, it was never my intention to come into a public forum and discuss private business dealings. But I can no longer stand by and let others say what ever they want with complete disregard of the truth.


Sep 20, 2004
Rick - Don Best said:
Since Mike brought up the stolen customer list, let me set the record straight.

It is a fact that Mike’s company mailed to a mailing list that they knew had been stolen from Don Best by an ex-Don Best employee. Our list was seeded and every seed on the list received their mailer. In addition, they called customers on the list and told them that they had previously worked for Don Best and then proceeded to spew the same lies about our company that they do in these forums. We had multiple customers contact us about the calls and they all heard the same lines.

We contacted Mike’s company and requested that stop using our list and their response what exactly what you would expect from somebody with Mike’s personality. So we had no choice but to take legal action. We sued them and won an injunction against them that required them to stop mailing to our list.

As you can tell from my previous posts, it was never my intention to come into a public forum and discuss private business dealings. But I can no longer stand by and let others say what ever they want with complete disregard of the truth.

Since we are all about telling the truth now, why dont you discuss what was said with your father at that meeting too? And why are you having him call and email? Isnt that a little embarrassing? I better not tell too much of the truth, you might send over the FBI again and waste everyones time.

Why did you pay over at MW to have me silenced? Why did you tell the new owner of the schedule not to let our ad in? Why do you tell the books not to come on our screen? Why are you still spreading these bogus lies about a list?

Sep 20, 2004
Rick - Don Best said:
Since Mike brought up the stolen customer list, let me set the record straight.

It is a fact that Mike’s company mailed to a mailing list that they knew had been stolen from Don Best by an ex-Don Best employee. Our list was seeded and every seed on the list received their mailer. In addition, they called customers on the list and told them that they had previously worked for Don Best and then proceeded to spew the same lies about our company that they do in these forums. We had multiple customers contact us about the calls and they all heard the same lines.

We contacted Mike’s company and requested that stop using our list and their response what exactly what you would expect from somebody with Mike’s personality. So we had no choice but to take legal action. We sued them and won an injunction against them that required them to stop mailing to our list.

As you can tell from my previous posts, it was never my intention to come into a public forum and discuss private business dealings. But I can no longer stand by and let others say what ever they want with complete disregard of the truth.

While we're at it... what lies are you speaking of? What lies have I said? Disregard for the truth? Wasnt it you in here a month or so ago spewing off that you welcomed competition? If that is so why is it that you go around and try to strong-arm everyone away from doing business with any other line service or information service? If I read a few of your posts I could pick the lies apart very easily... shall we begin?

We obviously know that I have no regard for any dealings you see as private. We protect 1 thing, our customers. Not lying scumbags. I am glad you finally addressed me. Because now we can have a discussion, and the people can decide who lies to who.

Which emails would you like plastered all over the boards? The ones where the books are telling us that they want on our screen but you wont let them? The ones that explain why we arent allowed to advertise in a schedule supposedly not owned by you anymore? How about your daddy emailing us and asking us to leave you alone? Which ones?

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