Oh, I thought you were looking for invention ideas. I was gonna suggest fart filter underwear....you know, after a big meal you let off a huge SBD special and all of a sudden a pleasant pine scent permeates the room...potentially worth millions don't ya think!?
I have applied for one patent,I definetly think getting a patent attorney is the 1st step.They are expensive but just like anything else,just ask around to find out who the best one in your area is.Once you submit the idea to an attorney it then becomes patent pending which protects you from having your idea stolen.At this point you can submit your idea to companies/individuals for sale.
It was approximately 10yrs ago when I applied so I guess thats still the way it works.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Darryl Parsons:
Oh, I thought you were looking for invention ideas. I was gonna suggest fart filter underwear....you know, after a big meal you let off a huge SBD special and all of a sudden a pleasant pine scent permeates the room...potentially worth millions don't ya think!?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>