coming in on Wednesday as you know bro... beverages will be in order..
Yeah exactly. Travel is dehydrating. By Plane the body is up in the air, by automobile the body is in motion, these things serve to dehydrate a body. On a Bus one has to drink while actually ON the Bus. Not sure if that is allowed anymore or if it ever was but beverage consumption on Buses was once so common that a non-drunk Bus Trip seemed absurd. A Very Drunk Guy, as the Bus pulled into the station, stuck his head out a window to shout "Hello" at a Hottie and promptly had his head smacked by the back of a passing "One Way - Do Not Enter" sign. The sound of the sign Konking his head was alot like a Bell and one I will never forget along with the whole back of the bus falling into laughter so hard that we cried and were physically unable to exit the bus, in a timely manner, as result. The sign Konked him in the head almost immediately after he stuck his head out and he was, like, halfway into his "hello" then "KLANG". Guys were heard busting into laughing inside the Bus Station, many minutes later which caused other guys who'd witnessed it to start laughing which went on for quite awhile, cuz some of us were on Layover, waiting for another Bus. Pretty much whole Back of The Bus was quite Drunk. Common occurrence.