anyone have any stories picking up hitchhikers?


Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
>>It makes me feel good, like I've done a good deed!<<

Maybe that's because you did a good deed! tulsa

Self appointed RX World Champion Handicapper
Nov 20, 2001
World Number One said:
i've only picked one in my life.. her name was eileen wuornos..

sweet girl..

did nobody understand this reference ??

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
World, I knew that it was something of interest. I thought maybe the it was a joke name or a reference to something, but I didn't get it. I said it three or four times to see if it sounded like anything, but it didn't. The only thing that came to mind: was this that killer lady that hitched rides and then whacked guys in the act of sex? I wasn't sure so I didn't say anything. tulsa

New member
Dec 29, 2004
Tulsa said:
So, I'm commuting to work several years ago at about 6:30 a.m. in the morning. It was a fairly cold morning and I notice a fellow slogging along the highway's shoulder. I have a theory about maniacs/'bad guys' that states if it is after 5:30 a.m., you are generally safe from these types as they have just finished up their dastardly deeds or their attempts at dastardly deeds and called it a 'day.' So, at an hour past that crazy-man cut-off time I felt I was safe. I pulled over and picked him up. He was relatively young and needed a ride to a town about 20 miles down the road which happened to be where I was going. We had a bit of small talk and I asked what he did.

"I'm a welder at the school they're building back there."

I smiled, "Say, that's great. I understand that welders make a pretty good living. That's great." I smiled again, warmed by the fact that I had helped out this fine, industrious fellow on this cold morning.

My mind wondered to Lyn, a friend of mine, who had opted for vocational training rather than the university route and had traveled to Oklahoma and Tulsa to go to the Tulsa Welding School. Lyn had been excited about the school and led me to view Tulsa Welding as the pinnacle of welding instruction. So, I mentioned this to my early morning passenger.

"Yep..that is a great school my friend tells me, and he's doing pretty darn well, let me tell you." Afraid that I might offend the fellow if he hadn't gone to that prestigious welding institution himself, I added, "But, of course, there are many great schools for welding. Where did you get your training?" And you see, folks, this one simple question needn't really have been asked. I was just being nice. I don't know one welding school from another, so it didn't really matter if my hitch-hiker friend would have said 'Key West Aqua-Welding' or 'Arkansas Welding & Technical Institute.' But, he didn't say either of those. He didn't say 'Key West Aqua-Welding' or anything with the word 'Arkansas' in it. No. Like a fellow trying to get his life together by being brutally honest with himself and others, he was brutally honest with himself and me. I wish he could have strayed just a bit from his narrow path to wholeness, since I had given him a ride and all.

He squirmed in his seat and gave sort of a dead-faced look down the road we were traveling, "I was in prison for 12 years and learned welding there." He didn't say any more, but kept looking forward.

I nodded obligatorily as I felt the hair from my ass to the top of my head stand on end. I smiled and tried not to swerve off the road and I can tell you I was thinking of changing my 5:30 a.m. crazy-man theory to 7:00 a.m. or maybe even as late as 10:00 a.m. It made me wish I had started with that question as he was still hiking along the road...just rolled up beside him, put down the window and casually asked, "Where did you learn welding?"

"That's...great...just uhmm, uh, great. Yeah." Now, it was either sit in utterly defeated silence with the felon or come up with some conversation and move it along to other topics. I really wasn't thinking clearly so I asked the stupidly obvious thing to ask, which means it is the obvious thing not to ask.

"What were you in for?" I've got to hand it to this guy. He was on the straight and narrow. No lies hiding his past with me. No, sir. Nope, nothing but honesty here, friend. He moved about in the seat a bit and cleared his throat, wiped his lips with his hand and gave even a deader-eyed gaze down the road as if I were some gremlin/devil come to torment him as he was making his honest way to some town twenty miles down a cold highway. 'No escaping the truth on this highway,' he was probably thinking to himself.

"I was seventeen and I got into trouble for uh, uh, aggravated assault and uh, uhm, and uh car-jacking." Straight down the road into his future he morosely and resolutely gazed. "I'm going up the road for an appointment with my parole officer." He said this last in the manner of beating me to any of my other awkward questions I was sure to stumble into.

I was numb and wasn't even nodding anymore as I joined him in staring morosely down the road.

"Well, welding is a good profession. Yes. Yes, welding is a good profession," I said. He nodded. That was it. After that we spoke very little the remaining couple of minutes to town. I took him by the court-house and waved as he left. Not a bad fellow. A nice fellow, in fact. I'm glad I helped him. I'm glad I didn't know his story before I picked him up or I wouldn't have stopped. He probably did just fine with himself. I hope so. He wasn't going to lie for anything and that's the first step to finding our way...not lying to ourselves, first and foremost. tulsa

Tulsa, great story, how true that last sentence is.

Self appointed RX World Champion Handicapper
Nov 20, 2001
Tulsa said:
World, I knew that it was something of interest. I thought maybe the it was a joke name or a reference to something, but I didn't get it. I said it three or four times to see if it sounded like anything, but it didn't. The only thing that came to mind: was this that killer lady that hitched rides and then whacked guys in the act of sex? I wasn't sure so I didn't say anything. tulsa


she was depicted by charlize theron in the movie " monster "

first woman serial killer , right down here in good ol' florida...

New member
Jan 10, 2005
About 6 years ago I picked a guy up on a fairly desolate road outside of town.

We get to speaking and he is just mumbling "yes or no" to most of my questions. I take the hint, but get fairly squeemish as the guy is starting to freak me out. He is carrying this bowling bag and is cluthching it like there is no tomorrow...

about 15 minutes into the ride, the suspense is killing me, and i ask him "so what's in the bag?"

"NONE OF YOUR G-DAM BIZNESS!!!" was his reply

i start to sweat and say "i'm just trying to be nice, there's no need to freak out"

"well, i told you it's none of your business" he says

i pull over to the side of the road and politely ask him to get out. He says to me "no...we're going to continue on down the road" i ask him politely to get out AGAIN. "NO!! DRIVE!!"

at this point, i'm totally freaked...i reach over and open his door and we start wrestling. A few seconds in, he drops the bag and i kicked him out of the car.

I screech away....crazy m'fer didn't even have time to grab the bag
Sep 21, 2004
When I was in the Navy hitching was the only way to get around. You never had any wheels, in the port you happened to be in. People in Canada were the best, asking lots of questions, just curious about Americans. Very good people. In America, it was where you were. Connecticut was awesome. I was a very clean cut good looking kid, lifted every day so I was pretty much all-American, and usually got a ride within minutes. In CT I was with a drinking shipmate from Arkansas. He was a super redneck, but a hell of a partier. We wandered into a picnic of people we did not even know, but they loved us and we got shitfaced, badly. They all left and my friend was staggering. I got us to the highway but he could barely walk. I set him down and he just passed out. First headlights I see pick us up. The guy, white male about 40 looks normal, but looks can be deceiving. My freind is passed out in the back seat. We start making conservation, and then he starts going down the sexual freedom path. You guys from the base, gets awful lonely out at seas so long, what do you do for sex. I know where this is going so I try to switch the conversation. Too late, he is hitting on us, come back to my place, I have no problem satisfying women or men. Oh, ****, that is just fuckin great. Shut the hell up *******. I am thinking we have a long ride, just keep him talking, because my friend cannot walk. Then I hear some mumbling from the backseat, he was not passed out. He says that makes you a lousy no good ****** then. Oops, party and ride are over. Guy slams on the brakes, get out, get out of my car. My drunken friend is just going nuts, you fuckin ******, you coksucker. On and on. So this guy starts getting really PO'd. And I am a little to drunk to play moderator. So we exit stage right. And he burns tires out of there. You stupid A'hole, all we had to do was play along and we would be back at base. His rush of energy is gone, and he is mumbling again. So we start thumbing again. Very soon a car is coming at us from the oppostie direction, swerves across and tries to hit us. I shoved my friend off the shoulder and jumped into a ditch. I could feel the wind of the car just miss me. So the car goes up the road about 50 feet and U turns. We are screwed. Pitch black, no cars for miles. Here he comes, so right as he gets close I look around and find this big old rock. Real big, and heavy. I stay in the ditch and he speeds by yelling I'll kill you in a not friendly manner. I shotput the big rock into the passenger side windshield and it just shatters. I grad my drunken friend and we crawl into the bushes, not knowing if this guy is packing or what. I guess the rock sent the fruiter over the edge and he has a flashlight and a piece. By now I am pretty awake, the buzz was gone. Good thing he had a flashlight, because I knew where he was and he could not find us. We went back deeper in the trees, and he gave up. We had to walk all the way back to base, in the woods, as I would not take us back out to the street again. It was the last time I hitched with someone I did not know well. Stupid redneck almost got us killed. We had some laughs over it, but that was the last time I went drinking with that fool. Best Wishes...OF:digit:

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
Picked up many hikers and have regretted most. One girl had me take her cross town, 10 miles, the whole way asking me to give her money for some skank cigs. She stunk too. One guy told me he was headed to kick some azz. Ask if I wanted to help. I try to avoid these days. Not worth it. Usually smell/stink off of the interstate.
Sep 21, 2004
Story #2. Stuck at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in drydock. Horrible duty. All of the civies hate sailors, and we do not like them. Very much like Norfolk, or Norfuck. Sailors and dogs keep off the grass sign. So I ferry it over to Seattle to score some smoke, probably a 1/4lb. Big brown bag would not fit in my pocket. So I hitch back to the ferry. Young guy picks me up, white male, mid 20's, looks like a partier, in a small sedan. Some shepard type dog in the back. Guy was cool, but his dog kept growling at me. I ask him, does your dog bite? No he laughs, he is all bark. No sooner than those words leave his mouth the dogs not only bites me, but hangs on to my elbow. I am shaking my arm like hell, get him off of me. The guy is just wide eyed, in shock, and forgets he is even driving. He starts yelling no, bad dog, no. Stupid dog is locked on, growling and snarling. Bam, we go into an intersection, ran the red and broadside this car. That got the dog off. Not going fast enough to seriously injure anyone, but it is right in the middle of the intersection. I grab my brown bag and say laters man, thanks for the ride. He says you can't leave the scene of an accident. Really? See you later. He was still yelling, I need you to tell the story to the cops. I said tell them it was your all bark no bite dog's fault and sprinted out of there. Stayed at some town sluts house, afraid to go to the ferry landing. Was as close to a Cheech and Chong movie I have ever been.
Very lucky to walk or run from that one. Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
O.F. THAT IS A great story!!! LOL. "Really? See you later!" LOL!!!! tulsa

New member
Feb 11, 2005
Hey Sherman I live In Anderson not Shiting Dude I hope you were not near the

Jim Rice Center you would have been the one make the sounds.Bad part of town:103631605
I live on the Westside near Westside HS SMALL WORLD

Jan 20, 2002
Summer of 1976, driving PA Turnpike. I had a Cutlass Olds. Picked up 4 different hitch hikers. They were all heading to Philly for Bicentenial. Well everyone of them had some kind of mind enhancing substance on them. Turned into quite the party. So much so instead of going to Baltimore, I drove to Philly instaed and spent the night. One of the guys was staying with friends, who put me up as the party continued into the morning.
Sep 21, 2004
Tulsa said:
O.F. THAT IS A great story!!! LOL. "Really? See you later!" LOL!!!! tulsa

No way I was hangin around holding. What's in the bag kid? Sack lunch? Plus it was just so surreal, I was wasted, and the dog was going to bite, I knew it. What was even better, I was opening the car door getting out when I said it. I turned around and looked him right in the eye, I was dead serious and he knew it. Last time he picked up a hitchhiker I imagine. To be honest, to this day I feel bad for him. He was actually a cool guy, and helped me out. The self preservation behavior took control. I would have stayed if not in a bustable situation. I will never forget the look on his face, from when the dog attacked me, to the crash, and me bailing. Utter shock is a good description. Wild times for FROG. Not one of my finer moments. Have a real good story #3, where I am a good guy with ethics. But on this forum it probably will not fly.
Maybe later...OF:howdy:

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