How is LSU "free money" ?
Is App St. a shell of what they were last year?
LSU as we speak has NO idea who will be the starting tailback or QB...
Whoever the QB is he will have almost NO game experiance what soever and if Lee stays hrt as he is now we could see LSU with a true freshman QB in the game before halftime..
LSU will have a shutout defense by the time the SEC starts but their offense is suspect to say the least. Is APP St. so bad that a team with a great DEF but maybe NO Offense can shut them out 24-0? I dont see LSU scoring 35 points on ANY team this year that can even spell defense...A fired up APP St team playing a LSU team with not enough returners to lead the way could spell a very close game..24-10, 28-14, yada, yada...but covering -23, -24 ???? I wouldnt bet on it..