take it then lie down. if you try to fight it off, you may wind up in a ditch with airbags all around ya
Do you take Lexapro for depression or anxiety?
I guess it is supposed to be for anxiety, but honestly i have never been happier in my life right now. when i did try to get off i experienced "brain zaps" and had a hard time breathing/swallowing...i sometimes still have difficulty breathing and swallowing. was going to check intothe hospital cause the doctor seems like he doesnt know what to do..also thought about going to a psychic as crazy as it sounds. bloodwork has always been good, allergy tests came back great, brain scans fine, etc...
Difficulty (or perceived difficulty) breathing and swallowing is a classic anxiety symptom...
brain zaps are normal after you stop taking anti anxiety pills...you have to reduce dosage though because it can get ugly if you stop all at once.
yea im back on them now and doing fine except for the occasional "clicking" sensation i get in my breathing patterns that go along with crackling ears. yes, i have been to an ear/nose/throat specialist and all checked out great.
i have heard that from everyone, but it's weird. like i feel like im not worried about anything, but sometimes i just cant help it and maybe that is how my body reacts. thanks for taking the time to help out guys, i truly do appreciate the responses i am getting.
I have panic disorder, but not everyday anxiety. I am generally really easy-going and never worry about anything. Just have panic attacks, with a lot of the symptoms you are experiencing...
I take Xanax for it.