wolfie_cr said:
ok now I have to disagree with TT, of course it can get worse, the one from 1986-90 was the one that supported giving the rights to use the cell phone bands to a company called Millicom (not ICE)
now........can we imagine Millicom giving this guy "premios"?
The funny part about the Millicom "bait and switch" deal....after all the bribes were handed out, they gave the green light to Millicom, which then poured over 10 million dollars into the start up. After the money was invested in CR, ICE sued saying it violated the monopoly it has. The courts decided in ICE's favor and declared the government contact with Millicom was illegal and declared it invalid, and Millicom lost 10's of millions of dollars it invested and was told to shove it up their asses. I don't think they gave the BRIBES back either. Tico politicians knew there would be problems with this contract, but they wanted the bribe money, knowing that Millicom would get screwed in the end. I don't know why Millicom didn't sue in international court. The Ticos are the ones who ultimately got screwed though, as ICE's phone service lagged way behind the rest of the civilized world. Ticos are used to that.
CR has done this bait and switch several times. Most recently with a Spanish company contracted to build a dam, and most notably HARKEN Oil, who ended up suing Costa Rica in international court for billions of dollars. The latter case has not been settled yet. One could only imagine the bribes handed out by Harkin for the oil drilling rights.
The word is out on CR that firms have to be very wary about investing in this little paradise and that there's more than meets the eye. I think it's great that the people are finally standing up to these thugs in government that have been ripping the CR people off for so long. These ripoffs have meant a lower standard of living for everyone in the country.