Folks we are currently down trying an upgrade that should not take much longer, we apologize for any inconveniences and hope to be back up soon. Please remember this is the time to finish up all details for the coming season and it possible challenges may arise. Please excuse.
Never, always email or call me and things will get sorted out, but please report them to us so we are aware, we have not seen emails reporting these difficulties and would appreciate a quick report so we can use them as instances our service provider needs to avoid. Thank you.
Burned rest assure you dont have to be nervous here.
Am I tight, Please define all the time? I know we have been down three times in the last week, unfortunate but not all the time, please be fair. We know it is not a personal shot against us but others could get an unjustified wrong idea or bad impression. All the time is pretty thick. Thanks.
I am available for any questions just email or call.