No butterflies/insects for me.
I did collect rocks when very young, for awhile. I have a few fossils like a trilobite, some mammoth teeth...and an older wife ( for now) :missingte
I never go into bugs much, did torture a few flies and such, in my time. I never collected butterflies, or such. I never saw much of a market in that ?
I have always liked reptiles, owned a few exotic snakes (Boas)....well two...I had a Ralph Kramden/Ed Norton half brained scheme of breeding them, some 20+years ago That didn't work out too well, overall.... along with my concurrent rat breeding to feed the snakes.... guys with snakes and rats attract weird chicks.... it was s. Calif, and I was young, but made nice money
I would even consider taking in a homeless iguana today, as long as my Cooters accept might accept it. Cooter is my cat, figure out the rest! :missingte