No you wouldn't because PGA would Suspend you, fine you substantially and you'd lose more $$$ in potential winnings from missed events due to your Suspension. I wish you could though, would have been interesting to see Miguel A. whoop up on him plus it would make non-majors much more watchable (and increase Golf Viewership) if PGA would not frown so verily on physical altercations. PGA is missing the boat on this, Life is not all Wine & Roses, there are many conflicts & some lead to fisticuffs. Golf should mirror Life and stop trying to be "above" the fray by parading about in a "dignified manner", its fake....representative truly only of Monks. PGA would do well to allow and even encourage players to smack each other around when its called for, to be real, to be human. To do so would see a broader audience able to connect with the sport.