More fake news from alt right. They will do anything to protect this Orange lunatic.
Trump lies daily, acts like a child, and has no clue what he's doing. His wife doesn't even sleep in the same bedroom or same state for that matter......even she's embarrassed by this gross hog.
Spending millions of tax payer money to go to Florida and golf every weekend. The biggest embarrassment in history. Thankfully it will be over soon.....guy is imploding.
thank you Vitterd ,i knew i could count on you to chime in
No prob man. You ask and I will answer. Or just laugh at these trump supporters from a distance.
Seriously, I think Trump might be retarded.....his supporters are for sure mental. How many times can this guy say " you will see something in the next few weeks" and nothing happens?
how funny is it that he makes fun of others appearance? He is grotesque.
I knew this guy was a joke but I never thought he'd be this much of a train wreck.
Good luck comrade!!
More fake news from alt right. They will do anything to protect this Orange lunatic.
Trump lies daily, acts like a child, and has no clue what he's doing. His wife doesn't even sleep in the same bedroom or same state for that matter......even she's embarrassed by this gross hog.
Spending millions of tax payer money to go to Florida and golf every weekend. The biggest embarrassment in history. Thankfully it will be over soon.....guy is imploding.
Vitt instead how about actually giving us your opinion about the Sally Rice topic at hand....try again can do it.
Sure....this story does nothing to vindicate Trumps false wire tapping claims, it originated from far right( which is in full protect trump mode), it doesn't reveal anything illegal, it's well within the scope of her job and is just a distraction to make people look the other way at Trump obvious Russia ties.
Given Russia obvious attempts to get trump elected....of course she would look into this. This is cover for Trump and it's being headed by the biggest puppet in history....Nunes. Nice attempt at distraction for the disaster of this trump administration.
Hows that? Good enough or do you need more?