I harken back to an earlier time when you and I and a few others were in daily pitched battles re. another matter far far away. W/the likes of FF & O&U. Is it per chance a time for an "I told you so"? Mr. Asscroft and his beloved P Act have come full circle. I find it ironic that the RW goofies i.e. Limburger, ORatly, and the Bitch of Bradcasting AC, whined for yrs about the dems. and too much government, well if this isn`t a prime example of Govt. control I don`t know what is. I swore I wouldn`t get started again, as RR used to say "now there you go". (As far as AC goes I would like to do her tho). BTW did you see the result yesterday re. FOX`s lawsuit against Franken?