Let Me Preface This With An Admission Of Bias I
was in the USAF for 24 yrs, and loved every minute of it, well almost! @)
There were places I was stationed at that weren't exactly "garden spots", but the comeraderie always made up for it. I was in places from Thule AFB, Grnland, to Hamilton AFB CA, now that was a "garden spot" for me. My job was great and something I translated into civilian life. I was lucky enough to attain the pay grade of E9, which is the top enlisted rank there is. Considering my base pay, housing allow., plus other advantages that rank gave me, we (family) lived very well. Guys experiences in other branches (marines & army) might differ.
IF & that's a biggie, you're not interested in col., or think there's no way you can afford it, there are great chances in the mil. to get an education. I did. I know it's NOT for everyone, but the opportunities afforded in todays mil. are extraordinary. And NO you don't lose your individuality. Just as in civilian life the "cream will rise to the top". If you have the skills and the willingness, the mil. wants you to develop & will assist you. Sound like a "Recruiter", maybe I am. But just going by my life alone, I'd recommend it to most. My Dad, Brother, 2 Sons, & 2 Daughters all spent some time in and all are successful. As I said it's NOT for everyone, but for the guys & gals that choose it, give it your all, most will never regret the choice.:toast: