Thanks for the info Tiger! Try to call this number, they might have Pugs: 253-9767. They have a lot of different breeds, The place belongs to a vet called Oscar Robert.
Justin, i need a male one if possible. Female would cause havok at my house right now. Lobster, i will be calling that number to also see whats up. Thanks All
Lobster, the guy knows a lot about Bulldoggies...My boy Bugsy gets taken care of by the man and they do have a great kennel. good luck EJP, wise choice in breed. They are lovely to handle.
Escazu though I know not the number, look up or call 113 to get the number for a place called "Los Gandules". Its located up in the mountains of Heredia, may be excatly what you're looking for. Ive been there couple times, its a really cool place with lots of room