Any of you liberals from the tri-state area (NYC area)?

If so you might enjoy 99.5 FM.
It the radio broadcast of Democracy Now, with special war coverage from Pacifica radio.

I can only take so much of them (they're too left for me), but they offer a very valuable alternative souce of media.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Geesh... if they are too left for Lander, they must be anarchists... LOL!!!
Oh crap, now BBlight has a 1 in 12,000,000 chance of finding me and "kick(ing) (my) piddling mouth all over the street .. and hospitaliz(ing) (me)".

I will kick your piddling mouth all over the street!
You had better pray I never find out who you are, because I will hospitalize you!
- BBlight 2003, Internet Tough Guy Awards

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Lander..I have followed your posts and just wondered what you think would have been a better alternative to war? Would appreciate your insight..
ps..Responding to stupid posts makes you sound stupid. And I dont think you are..
Sep 21, 2004
who are you? where do you live? you better hope i don't find out...

sorry. that was my bblight imitation.

I have no solutions, I am not an expert on nationa; sercurity, foreign policy or the Iraqi regime, however like many of us, I try to educate myself using a diverse collection of media sources & from which I have formulated my own opinions.

I was in favor in heavily increased weapons inspections - even if this meant inspections for the rest of my life, it would be worth it both morally & economically. I realize the inspection team has having difficulty, so I would have also liked to have seen increase inspectors composed of a (requires intentsive training) very diverse collection of inspectors. I would be for an active military presence inside Iraq (not war presence), to ensure & acurately report of any intimidation tactics used against the inspectors.

I would (like France suggested) lift many of the sactions - these sanctions were contributing to their horrible death numbers of children. For peace to exist, Iraq must see the American's and the other UN members as peaceful - helping them get aid & increase trading will show them we care about their health and economy.

It would have been a long road, but quite possibly a peaceful one.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Good points..
Do you think this war would have ever happened if not for 9/11? How do you think Gore would have handled this differently?
Just curious..oncce again respect your opinions..
"Do you think this war would have ever happened if not for 9/11?"
I think it would have been pushed for as Bush has a strong agenda to rid the world of Saddam and the Baath Party, but remember 9/10 was Bush's lowest approval rating since taking office (under 50%). The focus was on the economy & I beleve the American public would not have bought into this war. I believe it strongly to be "manufactured" on fear that wouldn't have existed without 9/11.

"How do you think Gore would have handled this differently?"
I think Bush has much stronger demeanor in the way conducts himself than does Gore, so the initial (first 6 weeks) coping by the people was easier because of the strength of Bush's persona. However, in the face of war & tradgedy every leader is rallied around - case in point was highly criticized Mayor Guiliani (whom I happen to like before 9/11) becoming a National Hero for doing his job (great job btw). These things are hard to speculate, but I think Gore would have been more hesitant to use phrases after 9/11 such as "this is an act of war" and "we know exactly who did this" & "we will rid the world of terror". Those phrases ultimately put Bush (perhaps by choice) in a position where he more or less declared a war without an enemey. I think Gore would have carried out several spefic military campaigns against Al Queda, but nothing to the extent of creating an "Axis of Evil" situation.
Much like Clinton, Gore may have leveraged the situation in the UN & throught the world of foreign politics to unite the world & open up doors of peace and opportunity that have yet to be opened (ie China).

Again, one can only speculate.

I'll be away until Monday, I noticed you are relatively new here ... stick around & let's finish this discussion Monday. I'm interested in hearing your views on these questions.
Have a good weekend.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
1) No way. I believe a visible target is easier to hit.

2) I think he probably would have been more prodding and methodical.

I admit I might not be as learned as others on this forum..that is why I appreciate the insight. I just cant understand the motivation and will probably never figure it out.

Old Fart
Sep 21, 2004
I have searched my soul and decided that this war is about two things. 1. George W. Bush's Ego and 2. Big Oil.

As for the oil Saddam only produces so much, with US technology, they could produce about 30% more per day. So once all is well, you will see oill prices tumble here as the US gets the extra oil and Iraq-sktill keeps what they produce now! Book-IT!

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