happened to my dad, although there were extinuating circumstances....him and his one brother and one sister, the other 5 were left in...caused a huge rift in the family, kinda divided them as the 3 felt that one of the others for sure talked my grandpa into it....and funny thing was, 2 of the 3 that were cut out, (my dad and his sis) were the 2 that did the most for grandpa.....others swore they had nothing to do with it....but it still left a huge rift in the family.......my dad ended up forgetting about it (wasnt huge amounts anyway) and he made his peace, but his brother would never forgive....
When my father died, the brother went to courthouse and had restraining orders put on the other 5 saying they couldnt come to the funeral home, or on the property, even though i was the one paying for the funeral and was the one in charge.....I had calls coming in from aunts and uncles the day before the funeral saying restraining orders were delivered by the sherriff to their homes, etc....all i needed when going through a funeral.....finally had to call our friend who owned the funeral home and tell him what was going on, luckily it was a small town and he was a family friend for many, many years, and he said "he cant do that, u make all the decisions, if u want them here , he cant do that" so we had to call him and tell him that HE WOULD NOT BE ALLOWED there if he was gonna cause trouble, etc....and that a sheriff would be on the property to escort him off if he tried to enforce the orders, etc.....a real clusterfuck.....luckily all went off without a hitch, and now all the others are back together getting along, except for the one brother, he is still basically left out due to his odd behavior...
Now for the kicker....and all this is 100% true (it could be an episode of Desp Housewives)...the uncle that is estranged, and who i would prefer to have NO CONTACT with, is married to my mother's sister, so i am related twice to him......100% true