The situation looks grim, IMO !
I don't aim to ruffle Roberto's feathers ( He's the only hope, left ! ).
What I don't understand is the financiang behind Roberto's multiple trips to Panama ! Who is backing that expense ?
Panama is BS, They can't have any gov't ! For 500k , or so they shoot themselves in the foot !
I will never play at a book ,from that country ,EVER again.
I'd wish them a 9.0 earthquake, but that would only injure innocent , poor people, not the guilty parties !
I despise getting RIPPED off ! Far more harm will befall this banana repuplic, by screwing us (mostly US citizens ), out of this relatively small sum of money.
The gov't or junta de whatever should have the foresight to see how this will effect THEIR country long-term !
If Panama became at least as credible as CR, it would be a major boost to their economy, not to be ! They best hope for a bumper crop of bananas. I'm sure glad I don't live there !
They FVUCKED themselves, real bad !