There's a way to do it-- don't type that entity's name anymore ---please--- so that we don't make the search engines-- but it's not cheap(on the other hand, you know you'll easily win back that money, even if you're a low-amount bettor).
In the creating of that situation you obtain certain things that fulfill two very common both direct & indirectly-related benefits/needs/concerns:
1. Redundant & Backup means to re-hook with them(you won't need them, but you don't know that from sure from the get go, having never attempted this, having never met yours truly: i could be Carlos El Jacal Junior, for all you know).
2. Business, legal & credit benefits that far outweigh in fiduciary value that account.
The best analogy, though unrelated, is-- say I charged you 10k to create you as a citizen of X country by getting you right away into all the relevant gov't & financial computer databases: social/birth/credit/ know you could easily recoup those funds thru say: unemployent & health insurance/welfare/various grants, entitlements & loans afforded to citizens only/mega business & personal credit/etc.,etc.
That was just by way of explanation, NOTHING i will/would do is illegal beyond YOU wagering on the web(I want to sleep peacefully & not have to worry some acquaintance of someone in your household one day surfs some terrorist or kiddie porn site, is busted w/ an acquaintance guilty of drugs/fraud, etc... & is obliged to give me up to save hide- or my contact info turns up in the search)-- but it needs to NOT be found out by said entity: they take the most arduous pains to "not have one single besmirch", in preparation for regulatory approval one day.
Part of the solution involves privacy methods utilized in the intelligence field-- way beyond the standard proxy/anonymous surf solutions-- some of which, if they fooled them(which they don't), would be anyhow useless re the fast & real-time update needs of the platform.
Email me w/ serious inquiries, don't divulge anything else in public. I'm replying as an offer to help, rather than soliciting-- i'm not hard up for money(or sports picks) though I will take either if/when it comes along--but one more or less pick or sale is not going to be a life-altering event.
Good Luck.