I have been growing cucs, tomatoes, bell peppers and strawberries. I have thrown in the towel on strawberries and bell peppers (don't have enough space) I have concentrated my efforts on tomatoes and cucumbers the past 2 years. This year I found 1 species of Heirloom called Brandywine. I was wondering if anyone has ever tried them? I'm also growing Supersonic VF, Sweet100 and Sweet millions. I researched the Brandywine and seen that these bastards can grow as high as 9 foot tall and produce 16 ounce tomatoes
. I'm on my 2nd tear with the Supersonics; they were damn good the first year and not so good the 2nd. I'm a Tomato lover, I can't wait for the day I can go out and gorge my self. Anyone else in the same boat? Any tips you can share would be great.