Dipped for 18 years, 3 cans a week. Very tough to quit. First three days, had nightmares and didn't feel well while the nicotine was getting out of my system. I still have the occasional dip dream, think I'm dipping, feel guilty, then wake up relieved.
Sorry, I was just like some of you... same excuses. Can't drive w/o dip. Can't to yard work, can't play softball, can't have beers without dip. That's all BS. I can and do all of the above now WITH OUT DIPPING. Best things I did to help.
Joined this site:
www.killthecan.org One of the moderators would text or call me during my quit to check on me. You post every day that you are dip free, and read others experiences. More sites like this are now available, they never used to be. (smokers yes, but not for dippers)
I did the natural type dip for a month to get me through the tough "triggers." It does suck, don't get me wrong, but it helped me with the physical habit of reaching for a tin and putting that GARBAGE in my lip.
Best one I tried was hooch snuff. Google it, it's the best of the 4 brands I tried. ( I even wrote a review on the kill the can site about the various types)
Let others know you're quitting, including your dip buddies. (we all have 'em!) Get the support, it's tough! Each day is a fight. At first you'll be saying "one day, one week...... " but evenutally, they turn to months, then years.
Benefits gained? Saved money. There's a tracker on the site that tells you how much you've saved each day you don't dip. I'm well into the $2k range at this point. I have taste buds that work quite a bit better than I used to have when I dipped. Although my gums receded a bit, I don't worry about losing my teeth anymore, or even more recession.
Could I still get cancer after all those years? Sure. But I don't get sores in my mouth any more and don't worry about having to explain to my son why HE shouldn't do what daddy does.
It's a nasty ass habit I was addicted to, but you CAN quit. Anyone needs more help or advice, I'd be glad to talk to you or help when you have bad times. (and you will)