Another Too-Fat-To-Fly controversy ,Obese Pair Told To Buy 4 Seats On Flight...


Oct 16, 2008
the only thing i don't like about the airlines in these cases is that if you buy multiple seats because you want comfort, they get pissed because they want to fit more people on the plane... i'm a big dude, 6' and 270, and can fit into a single seat easily - however, on long flights i'd totally buy two seats if they'd let me for some extra leg room... but they won't.

why not just make sure you get in an emergency exit row or first row of seating, sometimes its free, sometimes it cost like $15-30 but me being 6'3+ try to do it whenever i can

New member
Sep 21, 2004
your ticket shouldn't be for a seat, it should be for space and weight.

I should be able to buy a 200# ticket, if I weigh 150# I can bring on 50# of luggage. And take up no more than X ft^3

if I need more buy more weight or space so be it

New member
Sep 21, 2004
your ticket shouldn't be for a seat, it should be for space and weight.

I should be able to buy a 200# ticket, if I weigh 150# I can bring on 50# of luggage. And take up no more than X ft^3

if I need more buy more weight or space so be it

So in addition to putting the luggage on a scale, you gotta jump on the scale too? I guess you wouldn't necessarily know what you're paying when you buy the ticket? But doesn't a 100lb person and 200pb person basically use the same space? 200lb should pay double?

Seems way too complicated. Is there really that big of a problem now to require such a complicated solution.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Maybe it will be a wakeup call for her somehow, doubt it though. This country is full of overweight people, getting worse all the time. BTW, your probably burning thru more jet fuel carrying all that extra luggage !!

New member
Apr 21, 2002
Heaven forbid someone has to sit uncomfortably for a couple of hours. Has anyone ridden on public transportation to/from work in a major city? Let alone another country?

Bunch of babies complaining about having to sit next to big people.
I'll take sitting next to the 350 pounder if it means I don't have to sit next to a crying baby the entire flight for 6 hours

The baby won't soak your shirt with sweat. I'd much rather have a baby after what I had to go through.

New member
Apr 21, 2002

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
Overweight people aren't fat because they love food. Lot of people think, hey, just don't eat so much. It's like telling a Alcoholic to only have 1 drink, or a smoker to quit smoking, or a junkie to quit shooting.

While I am not a small guy, I understand the 2 seat purchase. If you get to a point where you are that big, you are going to have to accept how this fucked up society views you, or take action to get the help you need.
Sep 21, 2004
Overweight people aren't fat because they love food. Lot of people think, hey, just don't eat so much. It's like telling a Alcoholic to only have 1 drink, or a smoker to quit smoking, or a junkie to quit shooting.

While I am not a small guy, I understand the 2 seat purchase. If you get to a point where you are that big, you are going to have to accept how this fucked up society views you, or take action to get the help you need.

I beg to differ.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Overweight people aren't fat because they love food. Lot of people think, hey, just don't eat so much. It's like telling a Alcoholic to only have 1 drink, or a smoker to quit smoking, or a junkie to quit shooting.

While I am not a small guy, I understand the 2 seat purchase. If you get to a point where you are that big, you are going to have to accept how this fucked up society views you, or take action to get the help you need.

Or a pedophile to stop touching kids, or a serial killer to stop murdering people, or a compulsive liar to tell the truth, or a kleptomaniac to stop stealing shoes, or a gambler <gasp!> to stop placing bets.

Nobody is ever at fault, right?

No such thing as willpower or self-control --- we're just slaves to our animal instincts.

Amazing how permissive our society has become. Eating lots of Twinkies is now an addiction?

New member
May 20, 2007
Heaven forbid someone has to sit uncomfortably for a couple of hours. Has anyone ridden on public transportation to/from work in a major city? Let alone another country?

Bunch of babies complaining about having to sit next to big people.
I'll take sitting next to the 350 pounder if it means I don't have to sit next to a crying baby the entire flight for 6 hours

can't think of anything worse... one of the reasons i do try to sit towards the front, as usually it's filled with people who fly more often (not families).

New member
Sep 21, 2004
So in addition to putting the luggage on a scale, you gotta jump on the scale too? I guess you wouldn't necessarily know what you're paying when you buy the ticket? But doesn't a 100lb person and 200pb person basically use the same space? 200lb should pay double?

Seems way too complicated. Is there really that big of a problem now to require such a complicated solution.

they may take up similar space but the big factor is the tonnage a plane has to carry.

i read somewhere that for every 200lbs of cargo (consider a passenger cargo) it takes 50lbs of fuel and that takes in consideration the weight of the fuel itself.

i think airlines should consider weight in the price of your ticket, but I doubt it will ever happen.

airlines could charge a per mile/lb fee. say $0.01 per pound-mile. if you (and your bags) weigh 200 and you're going 1000 miles you'd pay $2000

if another airline could offer it at $0.009 and it'll be $1800

want to save money? take less with you (either luggage or fat)

and as far as seat size, if it fits it ships

New member
Feb 17, 2009
I am flying to Orlando on saturday....I just know some fatty is going to try to plop down beside me now.

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
I didn't say it wasn't their fault. They make choices sure, but it is an underlying issue, period
Or a pedophile to stop touching kids, or a serial killer to stop murdering people, or a compulsive liar to tell the truth, or a kleptomaniac to stop stealing shoes, or a gambler <gasp!> to stop placing bets.

Nobody is ever at fault, right?

No such thing as willpower or self-control --- we're just slaves to our animal instincts.

Amazing how permissive our society has become. Eating lots of Twinkies is now an addiction?

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
You could fit into the characterization of the society I refer to in my orginal post
Or a pedophile to stop touching kids, or a serial killer to stop murdering people, or a compulsive liar to tell the truth, or a kleptomaniac to stop stealing shoes, or a gambler <gasp!> to stop placing bets.

Nobody is ever at fault, right?

No such thing as willpower or self-control --- we're just slaves to our animal instincts.

Amazing how permissive our society has become. Eating lots of Twinkies is now an addiction?

The Dude Abides
Sep 21, 2004
Overweight people aren't fat because they love food. Lot of people think, hey, just don't eat so much. It's like telling a Alcoholic to only have 1 drink, or a smoker to quit smoking, or a junkie to quit shooting.

While I am not a small guy, I understand the 2 seat purchase. If you get to a point where you are that big, you are going to have to accept how this fucked up society views you, or take action to get the help you need.

They most certainly do love food and they are fat for 2 reasons They eat to much and they sit on their ass watching tv,instead of exercising. They then take the easy way out and beg the doctor for Gastric Bypass surgery.. After you have that done you have to modify your diet(dont eat a bunch of shit) and start exercising. when in reality they could have been doing that all along..

May 27, 2007
Completely idiotic policy by the airlines as any standard based on numbers in terms of weight is stupid. Everyone carries it differently. Secondly if going by medical number standards, most people are considered overweight. Lastly, only idiots think that everyone who is fat is that way because of stuffing their face with cookies, pizza, ice cream, etc....

Why else is a person overweight? They eat too much and excercise too little. It's really that simple.

May 27, 2007
Heaven forbid someone has to sit uncomfortably for a couple of hours. Has anyone ridden on public transportation to/from work in a major city? Let alone another country?

Bunch of babies complaining about having to sit next to big people.
I'll take sitting next to the 350 pounder if it means I don't have to sit next to a crying baby the entire flight for 6 hours

Dsethi, you know I love ya but have to disagree. I sat next to a 400 pounder once that needed an extendor for his seatbelt. I got up from that seat with the right side of my face red from being smashed into the wall and my left side drenched in sweat from his fat rolls swallowing my body. Guy stunk like hell and had a tough time breathing. When a guy's fat impacts my life then there's a problem.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
over eating = over weight

Over eating: consuming more calories than you can burn

you can't eat 2 or 3 chickens a day without exercising

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
Dsethi, you know I love ya but have to disagree. I sat next to a 400 pounder once that needed an extendor for his seatbelt. I got up from that seat with the right side of my face red from being smashed into the wall and my left side drenched in sweat from his fat rolls swallowing my body. Guy stunk like hell and had a tough time breathing. When a guy's fat impacts my life then there's a problem.

That's fuckin' foul, I woulda been PISSED
Sep 20, 2004
Why else is a person overweight? They eat too much and excercise too little. It's really that simple.

Wrong! Seriously the majority of people are so clueless about weight gain. Many don't even grasp that medical & chemical issues are a big reason whether it be thyroids or mental medication. The amount of people who are registered as having some sort of a mental illness is at record levels right now & the majority of those medicines actually are the cause for rapid weight gain. One could go research before & after statuses of people on such medication & will find that the overwhelming majority put on serious weight 50+ lbs after starting on medication.

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