partyboy, yours is a a bullshit post. You know I put in a big write-up on South Florida not because it was a Homer play for me, but because they being a local team for me, I thought I had some insight to offer.
If this is the way you guys react when you don't know jackshit about a game and just go with somebodies' opinion, you deserve to have your ass handed to you.
And really if this is what I should expect when I take a half hour which could better be spent handicapping, to try and bring some insight to a matchup which I really feel might be of help, then I should stop posting before I ever really start and continue to just lurk.
And if I just lurk, I ain't going to pull the trigger based on any single individual post. Rather, I'll incorporate info I can get from guys with local knowledge, to arrive at MY OWN OPINION remembering that local knowledge maybe tainted by unintended bias.
Bullshit post man.