People are already writing Chris Christie's political obituary.
The selling predicate of a Chris Christie run for president was straightforward: He could win over Democrats and independents in blue states, unlocking pieces of the electoral map currently denied to Republicans. Christie didn’t play by the same rules that bind other Republicans in a right-ratcheting primary process that disqualifies the eventual nominee to big chunks of the American demographic mosaic. His elections proved a GOP candidate could win minority and female support by showing up, listening and selling the brand. Importantly, he didn’t scan as the typical politician that Americans heartily despise. He was a mavericky Truth Teller—the kind of pol a cynical media loves to put on a pedestal, only to knock him down when, inevitably, he does something to show himself to be just like the rest.
Christie’s carefully cultivated political image was one of a blunt, unaffected leader who put people first. After almost two decades of colorful New Jersey political scandals, he seemed like a two-fisted, middle-class Jersey kid made good. His stripes as a prosecutor, his love of Springsteen and The Shore and his connection to everyday people were enormously appealing, and many Republicans overlooked his ideological heresies and saw him as a rising star. Democrats crossed party lines in droves to support him.
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It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
The selling predicate of a Chris Christie run for president was straightforward: He could win over Democrats and independents in blue states, unlocking pieces of the electoral map currently denied to Republicans. Christie didn’t play by the same rules that bind other Republicans in a right-ratcheting primary process that disqualifies the eventual nominee to big chunks of the American demographic mosaic. His elections proved a GOP candidate could win minority and female support by showing up, listening and selling the brand. Importantly, he didn’t scan as the typical politician that Americans heartily despise. He was a mavericky Truth Teller—the kind of pol a cynical media loves to put on a pedestal, only to knock him down when, inevitably, he does something to show himself to be just like the rest.
Christie’s carefully cultivated political image was one of a blunt, unaffected leader who put people first. After almost two decades of colorful New Jersey political scandals, he seemed like a two-fisted, middle-class Jersey kid made good. His stripes as a prosecutor, his love of Springsteen and The Shore and his connection to everyday people were enormously appealing, and many Republicans overlooked his ideological heresies and saw him as a rising star. Democrats crossed party lines in droves to support him.
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It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.