ANNUTTER buggering for Twittler by the courts: SCOTUS rules against Louisiana's abortion laws


Sep 22, 2007
well he's pro-Black Lives Matter but also applauds the leading killer of blacks, abortion. so black babies don't matter just ex-cons

not as easy feller to figure out

DACA, Sanctuary Cities, LGBT, and, now, this: Hey, that's the Golden Sombrero in baseball, ROTFLMAO!!!!! EAT it, scumbags!!!Especially YOU, racist scumbag.:pointer:azzkick(&^^^:)^^:):dancefool:fckmad::trx-smly0:madasshol:bigfinger

Next stop: show them taxes, bitches...

New member
Aug 28, 2012
DACA, Sanctuary Cities, LGBT, and, now, this: Hey, that's the Golden Sombrero in baseball, ROTFLMAO!!!!! EAT it, scumbags!!!Especially YOU, racist scumbag.:pointer:azzkick(&^^^:)^^:):dancefool:fckmad::trx-smly0:madasshol:bigfinger

Next stop: show them taxes, bitches...

I could possibly find your taxes.... So, you would have NO PROBLEM with yours being made public right, if I posted them here?

Sep 22, 2007
I could possibly find your taxes.... So, you would have NO PROBLEM with yours being made public right, if I posted them here?

Find my taxes? You know, if you could do that, whether you DID work for the IRS, or DIDN'T work for them, I think you'd encounter a little problem. But, hey, do what you think you need to do, then you, the Westgate, the Rx, and the FBI can all get together with me for a little "chat." You remember begging off meeting with them, don't you, you psychotic cocksucker?


the Golden Sombrero in baseball, ROTFLMAO!!!!! EAT it, scumbags!!!Especially YOU, racist scumbag.:pointer:azzkick(&^^^:)^^:):dancefool:fckmad::trx-smly0:madasshol:bigfinger

Next stop: show them taxes, bitches...

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
DACA, Sanctuary Cities, LGBT, and, now, this scumbags!!!Especially YOU, racist scumbag.:pointer:azzkick(&^^^:)^^:):dancefool:fckmad::trx-smly0:madasshol:bigfinger

Next stop: show them taxes, bitches...

truly bizarre how you're not grasping the reality of the ruling

nearly 40% of abortions are performed on black girls (probably higher in the heavy AA state of Louisiana) and you're throwing a parade for more black girls to abort their kids and calling ME the racist?

seems the racist would be the one that want to kill black kids off at a rate 3x their population. Margaret Sanger appreciates your stupidity

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
truly bizarre how you're not grasping the reality of the ruling

nearly 40% of abortions are performed on black girls (probably higher in the heavy AA state of Louisiana) and you're throwing a parade for more black girls to abort their kids and calling ME the racist?

seems the racist would be the one that want to kill black kids off at a rate 3x their population. Margaret Sanger appreciates your stupidity

cause he is an ignorant 6th grade drop out

Sep 22, 2007
truly bizarre how you're not grasping the reality of the ruling

nearly 40% of abortions are performed on black girls (probably higher in the heavy AA state of Louisiana) and you're throwing a parade for more black girls to abort their kids and calling ME the racist?

seems the racist would be the one that want to kill black kids off at a rate 3x their population. Margaret Sanger appreciates your stupidity

First of all, I don't believe ANY of your "stats" for a minute (including your casual racist comment on Louisiana). Secondly, you are making the laughable assertions that people being able control their own bodies is a crime, and, that I have some big concern for the unborn; unfortunately for you, it's NOT a crime, you brainless, racist sack of shit, and, I'm not the least bit concerned about the lives of the unborn. Actually, I marvel at anti-abortion lunatics who murder EXISTING people to "protect" the rights of UNBORN people, and, once unwanted babies are actually BORN, they have no concern whatsoever about their welfare. Far as I'm concerned, until you get outta the oven, you HAVE no rights. Now, go stick an army ant smeared harpoon WAY up your ass, you racist scumbag. Oh, and, don't forget:

DACA, Sanctuary Cities, LGBT, and, now, this scumbags!!!Especially YOU, racist scumbag.:pointer:azzkick(&^^^:)^^:):dancefool:fckmad::trx-smly0:madasshol:bigfinger

Next stop: show them taxes, bitches...

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Find my taxes? You know, if you could do that, whether you DID work for the IRS, or DIDN'T work for them, I think you'd encounter a little problem. But, hey, do what you think you need to do, then you, the Westgate, the Rx, and the FBI can all get together with me for a little "chat." You remember begging off meeting with them, don't you, you psychotic cocksucker?


the Golden Sombrero in baseball, ROTFLMAO!!!!! EAT it, scumbags!!!Especially YOU, racist scumbag.:pointer:azzkick(&^^^:)^^:):dancefool:fckmad::trx-smly0:madasshol:bigfinger

Next stop: show them taxes, bitches...

So, are you, or are you not wanting me to "Show them taxes, bitches" ?

Are you giving permission for us to show your taxes, or someone elses taxes?

Sep 22, 2007
So, are you, or are you not wanting me to "Show them taxes, bitches" ?

Are you giving permission for us to show your taxes, or someone elses taxes?

Anybody with any sense-which, of course, would exclude YOU-would be able to figure out that "Next stop: show them taxes, bitches..." refers to the fact that SCOTUS is expected to rule shortly on Twittler's disgraceful, and illegal, shielding of his taxes. That would be of interest to millions of Americans, not to mention, to many people who read a political forum. Now, you psychotic, stalking obsessive, nosy cocksucker would you care to explain how YOU could obtain somebody else's taxes legally, not to mention, what relevance that has to a political forum? I'll wait. Meanwhile, Deflecting Dunce:

[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]​
[FONT=&quot]Supreme Court ruling on abortion may damage Trump's standing with conservatives[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Jon Ward[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Senior Political Correspondent[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Yahoo NewsJune 29, 2020[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday found an abortion restriction in Louisiana to be unconstitutional in a ruling that could further damage President Trump’s standing with conservatives. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Chief Justice John Roberts cast the decisive vote to repeal a Louisiana law that would have restricted access to abortion clinics by requiring doctors who perform the procedure to have admitting privileges at local hospitals.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Roberts was the fifth vote in a 5-4 decision, joining the liberal justices in the majority decision in Juno Medical Services v. Russo.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Conservatives had hoped that Roberts would agree to uphold the Louisiana provision. Such a ruling would have been seen as a signal that the Supreme Court was ready to strike down Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that legalized abortion nationwide in 1973. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Instead, Roberts said that because the Supreme Court had struck down a similar law in Texas four years ago, in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, the court should stand by that precedent. The majority opinion referred to the Texas statute as “almost word-for-word identical” with the Louisiana law. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]An anti-abortion protester prepares to leave after the vote to repeal a Louisiana law by the Supreme Court on Capitol Hill in Washington, Monday, June 29, 2020. (Patrick Semansky/AP)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]In the 2016 election, Trump was able to mobilize conservative voters in large part because of his promise to appoint right-leaning Supreme Court justices. He has followed through on that promise, appointing Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the court, and sticking with the latter through a bruising confirmation process. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]But conservative hopes that the high court would decisively swing to the right have not materialized, in large part because Roberts has embraced the swing-voting role previously held by Justice Anthony Kennedy, who retired in 2018. Sensing a threat to his standing with conservatives after recent defeats, Trump promised earlier this month that he would release a new list of potential Supreme Court picks in September. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Monday’s ruling may bolster Trump’s conservative critics, who argue that he is not worth supporting despite the fact that he has appointed conservatives to the federal bench at a historic rate. These critics argue that while Trump may deliver the occasional conservative victory, his character is so flawed and his presidency is so unpopular that the wins are likely ephemeral.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]This latest judicial setback comes as Trump’s polling has hit new lows: He is now trailing presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden by 9 points in the Real Clear Politics average. The White House blasted Monday’s decision, with press secretary Kayleigh McEnany saying the justices had “intruded on the sovereign prerogatives of State governments by imposing their own policy preference in favor of abortion to override legitimate abortion safety regulations.”[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Conservatives were likewise outraged that Roberts, who sided with conservatives in the Texas case four years ago, defected to the liberal wing of the court this time around.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Chief Justice John Roberts in February. (Leah Millis/Pool/Reuters)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“Unreal,” tweeted Ryan Anderson, a research fellow at the Heritage Foundation and founder and editor of the online journal Public Discourse. “If he thought the Court got it wrong four years ago, today was his chance to correct it.” [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]And while Trump did not appoint Roberts to the court, the Louisiana ruling comes just two weeks after one of Trump’s two appointees, Gorsuch, ruled that federal law prohibits employment discrimination against LGBT people. Conservatives had argued that the decision to expand workplace protections for LGBT people would imperil religious liberty. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Roberts was appointed to the court in 2005 by President George W. Bush. Some conservatives on Monday aimed their criticism at Bush, but there was no doubt that the pair of defeats at the court was dispiriting to the right. Conservatives have spent decades trying to overturn Roe v. Wade, a goal that seems much further out of reach after Monday’s ruling. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“Today’s ruling is a bitter disappointment,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion group.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Dannenfelser argued that the ruling provided evidence for why conservatives should reelect Trump. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“Today’s ruling reinforces just how important Supreme Court judges are to advancing the pro-life cause. It is imperative that we reelect President Trump and our pro-life majority in the U.S. Senate so we can further restore the judiciary, most especially the Supreme Court,” she said.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]But the Gorsuch vote on the discrimination case, combined with Monday’s Roberts ruling on the abortion law, may undermine the argument that Trump has successfully tilted the judiciary to the right. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“The judiciary has in fact been remade — at least to a degree — but America’s judicial transformation has perhaps affected abortion rights less than any other contentious area of American constitutional law,” David French, a prominent conservative opponent of Trump’s, wrote in March after oral arguments in Juno Medical. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“Put another way, the most activist energy has yielded the least constitutional impact.”[/FONT]

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Just laughing because you think its fine to look at someone elses taxes... but have an issue with people seeing yours.

And it isnt hard to find anything and everything about someone if you know where and how to look. Its quite easy dont cha know. And you can even make your own programs to set alerts when new things are posted ANYWHERE on googles search engine.

How do you think I was able to get the info on Judge Stevens the day it appeared in googles search engine, WHICH IS PUBLIC INFORMATION. Readily available to THE PUBLIC

Sep 22, 2007
Just laughing because you think its fine to look at someone elses taxes... but have an issue with people seeing yours.
<<It's IMPOSSIBLE that you're that stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Twittler is not "Someone," you fucking moron, he's a public official, the TOP public official. Didn't it seem "odd" to you that every major POTUS candidate from the 1968 election on showed their taxes, some, like the Clintons, for DECADES? Did you know that many judges have to post their financial statements publicly? Do you know what FOIA, FARA and the Anti-Bribery Act are? I'm gonna go out on limb and say, no, you don't, you fat, motherless ****.>>

And it isnt hard to find anything and everything about someone if you know where and how to look. Its quite easy dont cha know. And you can even make your own programs to set alerts when new things are posted ANYWHERE on googles search engine.

How do you think I was able to get the info on Judge Stevens the day it appeared in googles search engine, WHICH IS PUBLIC INFORMATION. Readily available to THE PUBLIC

The taxes of ordinary citizens are NOT available to the public, you lying sack of shit, it's amazing how often you unintentionally reveal things about yourself (like, when you defended Twittler's pedophilia and pussy grabbing comments), and, you've just admitted that you like to try to steal non public information. Your day is coming, Sausage Lips.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
The taxes of ordinary citizens are NOT available to the public, you lying sack of shit, it's amazing how often you unintentionally reveal things about yourself (like, when you defended Twittler's pedophilia and pussy grabbing comments), and, you've just admitted that you like to try to steal non public information. Your day is coming, Sausage Lips.

Try to steal non-public information? Nope, never have. There is more than enough information out there to know a lot about someone. No where did I state I would steal someones non-public information, have to have their permission to acquire it first.

Sep 22, 2007
Try to steal non-public information? Nope, never have. There is more than enough information out there to know a lot about someone. No where did I state I would steal someones non-public information, have to have their permission to acquire it first.

Income taxes of private citizens are NOT public information, you lying sack of shit, unless, somebody decides to MAKE them public information-are you trying to say if somebody said, yeah, "acquire" my taxes, you just call up the IRS and tell them, "he said it was ok?" Plus, I noticed you carefully avoided addressing your incredibly stupid comparison of a private citizen's taxes and a public figure's, you fucking moron.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
First of all, I don't believe ANY of your "stats" for a minute
again the racist is the one cheering on aborting black fetus' at 3x the AA population. that'd be you ReRun. Do not let your ignorance to facts decide that you're not advocating for the continued destruction of the black american population because it's exactly what you're doing. Apparently you're too stupid to put this conclusion together

the numbers come from CDC and are easily verifiable. keep tossing over your "racist" "racist" narrative but I'm interested in protecting minority babies, not killing them.

Louisiana aborts 10k/yr and has a much higher black population (33%) than the national average (13%) so you're cheering on at least 4000-5000 dead black babies per year in that state alone.

These are FACTS convict...F-A-C-T-S

that's some straight up disgusting eugenics you're clapping for

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
here's the racist black supreme court judge, Clarence Thomas, discussing abortion in the black community from the 5/28/19 decision involving Planned Parenthood

some big words in this article, ReRun, but I think you will understand the info... better to be dumb then both dumb and uninformed

excerpts: (words of Judge Clarence Thomas)

In a report titled “Birth Control and the Negro,” Sanger and her coauthors identified blacks as “‘the great problem of the South’”—“the group with ‘the greatest economic, health, and social problems’”—and developed a birth-control program geared toward this population. She later emphasized that black ministers should be involved in the program, noting, “‘We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.’”

Eight decades after Sanger’s “Negro Project,” abortion in the United States is also marked by a considerable racial disparity. The reported nationwide abortion ratio—the number of abortions per 1,000 live births—among black women is nearly 3.5 times the ratio for white women. And there are areas of New York City in which black children are more likely to be aborted than they are to be born alive—and are up to eight times more likely to be aborted than white children in the same area. Whatever the reasons for these disparities, they suggest that, insofar as abortion is viewed as a method of “family planning,” black people do indeed “tak[e] the brunt of the ‘planning.’”

Sep 22, 2007
again the racist is the one cheering on aborting black fetus' at 3x the AA population. that'd be you ReRun. Do not let your ignorance to facts decide that you're not advocating for the continued destruction of the black american population because it's exactly what you're doing. Apparently you're too stupid to put this conclusion together

the numbers come from CDC and are easily verifiable. keep tossing over your "racist" "racist" narrative but I'm interested in protecting minority babies, not killing them.

Louisiana aborts 10k/yr and has a much higher black population (33%) than the national average (13%) so you're cheering on at least 4000-5000 dead black babies per year in that state alone.

These are FACTS convict...F-A-C-T-S

that's some straight up disgusting eugenics you're clapping for

You're a liar, post the links, otherwise, you're just flapping your gums, the notion of YOU being concerned about unheard black babies is laughable. Deflect HARD, asshole, but, bottom line, no abortion ban for YOU, Jagoff, nor for Twittler, who made that one of his big campaign promises, along with a big, beautiful wall, that Mexico was gonna pay for. Remind me, how'd those two promises work out? He has taken it up the ass on EVERY decision (or, as in the case of Sanctuary Cities, an unfavorable non-decision) and so have YOU, bitch, ROTFLMAO!!!!

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
You're a liar, post the links, otherwise, you're just flapping your gums

hilarious you're defending a position that kills an abnormally high percentage of minority children and you don't even know it. typical liberal piece of shit calling for the death of black babies and crying "racist" on every post

read below and learn something today you fn ignorant slob

Full Clarence Thomas concurring opinion from Box vs Planned Parenthood at

Overview of Thomas' opinion at

Sep 22, 2007
hilarious you're defending a position that kills an abnormally high percentage of minority children and you don't even know it. typical liberal piece of shit calling for the death of black babies and crying "racist" on every post

read below and learn something today you fn ignorant slob

Full Clarence Thomas concurring opinion from Box vs Planned Parenthood at

Overview of Thomas' opinion at

Your big source is CLARENCE THOMAS?!?!? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Proof positive that you're as big a moron as HE is. To my knowledge, in all of the years that he has been on SCOTUS, he has NEVER written the opinion for his side, and there's a very good reason for that: he's a fucking idiot. You're using Clarence Thomas, to support a losing decision, on an issue you have no interest in-quite the contrary, you're a racist cocksucker-to desperately draw attention away from two, salient points: you took it up the ass in that decision, and you're gonna do it again come November. So, just bite that pillow, bend over, and grab your ankles, bitch.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Your big source is CLARENCE THOMAS?!?!? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Proof positive that you're as big a moron as HE is. To my knowledge, in all of the years that he has been on SCOTUS, he has NEVER written the opinion for his side, and there's a very good reason for that: he's a fucking idiot. You're using Clarence Thomas, to support a losing decision, on an issue you have no interest in-quite the contrary, you're a racist cocksucker-to desperately draw attention away from two, salient points: you took it up the ass in that decision, and you're gonna do it again come November. So, just bite that pillow, bend over, and grab your ankles, bitch.

holy fuck you're a moron if you think Clarence Thomas isn't a reliable source of information. you love killing black babies...end of story

you're so uneducated that you don't even know why you believe something. it's some shameful shit ReRun

here's some more articles your barely literate convict ass won't read. stick to avatars and dailykos articles you fucking criminal

Wall Street Journal,
Guttmacher Institute,
written by a Walt Blackman, a black Arizona House of Representatives

Sep 22, 2007

...scrambling up the list as we speak, if he lives another decade, I've no doubt that he'll near the top of the list.

Deflect HARD, scumbag: You're using Clarence Thomas, to support a losing decision, on an issue you have no interest in-quite the contrary, you're a racist cocksucker-to desperately draw attention away from two, salient points: you took it up the ass in that decision, and you're gonna do it again come November. So, just bite that pillow, bend over, and grab your ankles, bitch.

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