I dont want to get into a debate or anything but how come republicans dont believe in global warming?
It seems to me that most people who dont believe in global warming or dont believe its man made are republicans.
And thats not just republicans vs dems. It seems that most of the world can agree that man has something to do with global warming but not american republicans.
Is it just because this has been made a political issue in the states and the republicans for years have said there is no global warming.
The more I learn about american politics the more it seems that the dems are on the same page as the rest of the modern countrys but the republicans not so much.
This is'nt ment to be an insult to anybody or start a debate, this is just my observations.
The earth has heated up 1 degree in the last 150 years. If you turned off the TV with polar bears on a melting glacier in the middle of June, you would realize how over hyped the warming is.
Canada used to be one giant glaicer, but has been melting down ever since the last ice age ( great lakes anyone?) To say that we caused it all with SUV's, trains, and coal power plants is a joke.
I know you don't want to be against " mother earth", but read arguments for, and arguments against, and come to your own conclusions.
The republican part as a whole wants the government out of their lives. The democratic part has no main objective, they are a collection of factions and special interest groups that pooled their resources together. They feel that together, they are stronger and could reach their hand in the state's cookie jar through rent seeking.