I probably need not introduce any of you to George Soros.
This man has given away billions of dollars for democracy
and against Communism. I have just received a pamphlet
in the mail from this honest and great humanitarian, he very
simply states his reasons why this President is endangering
our safety. Soros can never be called a liberal by any
stretch or by an mean-spirited nut case. I hope many of
you can read this pamphlet or at least check out what he
has to say at his website.
This man has given away billions of dollars for democracy
and against Communism. I have just received a pamphlet
in the mail from this honest and great humanitarian, he very
simply states his reasons why this President is endangering
our safety. Soros can never be called a liberal by any
stretch or by an mean-spirited nut case. I hope many of
you can read this pamphlet or at least check out what he
has to say at his website.